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Health topics
… for one person may be too much for another. Because of things like age, sex, weight, and health history, alcohol … there is a helpline you can call in your area. To get some tips on how to reduce the amount of alcohol you drink, see: Quick Tips: Cutting Back on Drinking . If you're still …
Health topics
… situations. When you are resilient, you may recover more quickly from setbacks or difficult changes, including … can also help you. How to build resilience Here are some tips for building resilience. Accept that things change. View change as a challenge rather than a …
Health topics
… to work harder. Feel dizzy or faint, often after you have been active. Feel like your heart is pounding, racing, or … ablation. How can you care for yourself? There are several things you can do to be safe and stay healthy when you have … often as your doctor recommends. Avoid infections such as COVID-19, colds, and influenza (flu). Get the flu vaccine …
Health topics
… Treatment Overview Weight-Loss Strategies and Programs Tips for Getting to a Healthy Weight Medicines Surgery … when you take in more calories than you burn off. But other things can affect your weight. These things may include your … by making you feel less hungry, making you feel full more quickly, or changing how you digest fat. Medicines are used …
Health topics
… talk to your doctor before you start an exercise program. Tips for exercising Because exercise is a key treatment for … it's important to build good exercise habits. Here are some tips for starting and staying with your exercise program. Start slowly. Maybe you've been inactive for a long time because of fatigue and pain. …
Health topics
… recovery, and it may take longer than you expect. These tips may help. Give yourself time to make sense of it all. … You may have a fresh outlook on life and feel that you've been given a second chance. This is a time of adjustment, … but it also can bring out difficult emotions. Here are some things you can do to help your family adjust. Let them know …
Health topics
… and other serious medical problems. Still, if you've been smoking for a long time, it can be very hard to quit. … for Change? Oral Cancer Planning for a Change That Matters Quick Tips: What to Do When You Crave Nicotine Quit-Smoking …
Health topics
… valve regurgitation is an emergency. Symptoms come on quickly. They include severe shortness of breath, fast heart … Fainting episodes. Palpitations . Shortness of breath. Been less able to exercise at your usual level. Excessive … or replaced. You and your doctor can talk about a few things to decide. These things include the cause of the …
Health topics
… injury often causes severe pain that usually goes away quickly without causing permanent damage. Home treatment is … or any surgical hardware in the area? "Hardware" includes things like artificial joints, plates or screws, catheters, … Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) Quick Tips: Safely Giving Over-the-Counter Medicines to Children …
Health topics
… many forms. It can be positive words and actions, helpful tips, or gentle reminders to stay on track. How can your … mind off smoking. Tell them that you'll invite them to do things too. Try going for lunchtime walks, going to movies, … co-worker to come by your desk at this time for a chat or a quick walk. Drinking alcohol is often a trigger. You may …