2466 results found
Health topics
… Overview If you are breastfeeding, many things that you eat, drink, or take into your body end up in … It also may make your baby fussy. Babies who are exposed to second-hand smoke are at increased risk for many … alcohol. You can use that milk to feed your baby if you've been drinking. Drugs. You can pass drugs in some amount to …
Health topics
… 6 weeks you will avoid lifting heavy objects and doing things that strain your chest or upper arm muscles. At first you may notice that you get tired quickly. You may need to rest often. It may take 1 to 2 … then cuts through the breastbone (sternum). The heart is exposed slide 3 of 5 < Prev Next > slide 3 of 5, The …
Health topics
… as little effort as possible. With some planning and a few tips, you can get tasks done more easily and enjoy your … your energy when you need to reach or grab something. Put things you use the most on shelves that are at the level of … shoulder. Bending down and reaching up can make you tired quickly if you have trouble breathing. Use long-handled …
Health topics
… severe pelvic pain Do you think that the symptoms may have been caused by sexual abuse? Yes Possible sexual abuse No … Side effects or worsening symptoms with STI treatment Many things can affect how your body responds to a symptom and … Your age . Babies and older adults tend to get sicker quicker. Your overall health . If you have a condition such …
Health topics
… But thoughts don't have to become actions. Here are some things that can help you get past those thoughts and find … remember, many people do understand. A lot of people have been where you are right now, or have experienced something … experience with suicidal thoughts is different. The tips above will be helpful for some people, while others …
Health topics
… your larger plan and smaller steps defined. Here are some things you can do to help you stay focused and make it … To track how you're doing with your plan, write down a quick daily note, keep a daily calendar, or use an online or … time to yourself, a movie or show, or something you've been wanting? If you don't meet a goal, don't punish …
Health topics
… of life. But the timing of the surgery depends on a few things, such as how severe the split is and the health of … Testing Cleft Palate Cosmetic Surgery and Procedures Quick Tips: Healthy Pregnancy Habits Support Groups and Social …
Health topics
… or a history of cancer or anticoagulant therapy. These things increase the likelihood that the seizure may have been related to a serious problem in the brain. The nature … or a history of cancer or anticoagulant therapy. These things increase the likelihood that the seizure may have …
Health topics
… or inflammation of the heart muscle (such as myocarditis) Things that damage the heart's valves Valve problems you've … of heart failure, find out if your kidneys and liver have been affected, and know whether you have risk factors, such … Your Weight Heart Failure Daily Action Plan Heart Failure: Tips for Easier Breathing Heart Failure: Track Your Weight, …
Health topics
… save time at the store, and save money. Menu planning tips Use the menu planner and grocery list shown below as … a list of these menu ideas on a menu planner. Plan some quick meals for busy nights. You also can double some … and add to it as you run out of foods or think of other things you need. Take the list to the store and stick to it. …