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Health topics
… exchanged is extremely low. Only one unproven case has ever been reported. No cases of HIV spread have ever been reported after a person has come in contact with the … exchanged is extremely low. Only one unproven case has ever been reported. No cases of HIV spread have ever been
Health topics
… put into the piercing site. Choose jewellery that has not been used or worn or that has been sterilized. Body Piercing Problems … put into the piercing site. Choose jewellery that has not been used or worn or that has been sterilized. Related …
Health topics
… the program last? Does the program have aftercare? What has been the success rate for people going through the program? How has success been evaluated (number completing the program, years not … the program last? Does the program have aftercare? What has been the success rate for people going through the program? …
Health topics
… being used, I will: If offered a ride from someone who has been using drugs or drinking, I will: Other risky situations … consequence will be: If I ride with a driver who is or has been drinking or using drugs, the consequence will be: If I … being used, I will: If offered a ride from someone who has been using drugs or drinking, I will: Other risky situations …
Health topics
… anemia. Your doctor can help you determine why you have been feeling short of breath. People with heart failure … of walking. Some people at first deny that they have been experiencing this symptom. It is only after doctors ask … changes in their activities that they realize they have been avoiding physical exertion. This decrease in your …
Health topics
… and Perimenopause What Increases Your Risk Several things put you at risk for osteoporosis. Some factors … you should take medicine to prevent osteoporosis. Have been treated for a fracture caused by a minor injury, such … and Perimenopause What Increases Your Risk Several things put you at risk for osteoporosis. Some factors …
Health topics
… Postural management is controversial, because it has not been proved effective for turning a breech fetus into a head-down position. This practice has not been studied very much. More research is needed to find out … Postural management is controversial, because it has not been proved effective for turning a breech fetus into a …