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Health topics
… to be. When you're in the green zone, one or more of these things may be true: You don't have any symptoms. You're able … no wheezing is actually worse than hearing wheezing. Your quick-relief medicine doesn't help. Your peak flow (if you … no wheezing is actually worse than hearing wheezing. Your quick-relief medicine doesn't help. Your peak flow (if you …
Health topics
… school gets harder, leaving less time to get out and do things. Staying active has huge benefits. Being active helps … at your local community centre about getting started.  Tips for being active Warm up first: if you're doing a …
Health topics
… It may point to chemicals or other hazards that you've been exposed to recently or in the past. Keep a journal of … or reducing your exposure to what is making you sick. These things might help: Improve your air quality by getting rid … Pollutants Allergens in your home You can use the following tips to help avoid health problems that are caused by …
Health topics
… not alone. You'll be glad to hear there are plenty of tips and tricks you can use to get yourself back on track … goals to help you get there. Short-term goals are things you want to do tomorrow and the day after. Did you … goal to help you stay active. Even people who have been active for years set new goals to help themselves stay …
Health topics
… Explain how a cleft palate forms and how having one has been a part of making your child strong. Caring for a child … Cleft Lip Cosmetic Surgery and Procedures Ear Infections Quick Tips: Healthy Pregnancy Habits Support Groups and Social …
Health topics
… it? What causes gambling disorder isn't clear, but certain things put people at higher risk. For example, it seems to run in families. Other things that increase your risk include: Having other mental … Being abused or neglected as children. Having seen or been a victim of violence. How is it diagnosed? A doctor …
Health topics
… life, how to choose appropriate clothing and equipment and tips for being active in cooler and warmer temperatures. … more physically active. Learn about common barriers and tips for overcoming them. Choosing your activity The best … people stop or break their routine. Learn about these and tips for staying active and restarting activity after a …
Health topics
… you have a problem with your lungs and heart. But there are things you can do to feel better and stay as active as you … ways to save your energy. For example, arrange your home so things you use often are in easy reach. Put a stool in your … Stay as healthy as you can Try to avoid infections such as COVID-19, colds, and influenza (flu). Get a pneumococcal …
Health topics
… different than usual symptoms Is your ability to breathe: Quickly getting worse (within minutes or hours)? Breathing … Cough is unchanged Getting better? Cough is improving Many things can affect how your body responds to a symptom and … Between Influenza (Flu) and a Cold Handwashing Quick Tips: Safely Giving Over-the-Counter Medicines to Children …
Health topics
… of hours to days. But missing a dose of insulin can cause a quick rise in blood sugar levels. Blood sugar levels just … so that you can prevent high blood sugar emergencies. Three things can help you prevent high blood sugar problems: Test … a lower level. For example, if your blood sugar level has been higher than 17.0 mmol/L for a week or so and the level …