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1984 results found
Health topics
… breastfeeding, your doctor may suggest that you eat more calories each day than otherwise recommended for a person of … breastfeeding, your doctor may suggest that you eat more calories each day than otherwise recommended for a person of …
Health topics
… and public buildings. Bake Better Bites: Recipes and Tips for Healthier Baked Goods (PDF, 2.43MB) Find recipes and tips for preparing healthy baked goods. Supports the … parents, community volunteers, school staff and students. Tips and recipes for quantity cooking This resource includes …
Health topics
… at your local community centre about getting started.  Tips for being active Warm up first: if you're doing a …
Health topics
… in your lifestyle. Make sure to follow these general sleep tips. During the day Don't drink liquids that have caffeine … up in the middle of the night and don't get back to sleep quickly, get out of bed and go to another room until you … up in the middle of the night and don't get back to sleep quickly, get out of bed and go to another room until you …
Health topics
… the day. Teenagers need about 10 hours of sleep each night. Tips to help your teen If your teen is showing signs of not getting enough sleep, you can try these tips. Talk about how your teen's body is changing. Explain … the day. Teenagers need about 10 hours of sleep each night. Tips to help your teen If your teen is showing signs of not …
Health topics
… normal loss of fluid, urine, and stool. Babies also get few calories from early breastfeeding patterns. Their bodies … normal loss of fluid, urine, and stool. Babies also get few calories from early breastfeeding patterns. Their bodies …
Health topics
… can learn how to react in certain situations. Here are some tips you can teach your child. Stay away from strangers. … child is lost or missing, being able to provide information quickly to the authorities will save them valuable time in … In the awful event that your child is taken, you can quickly share this critical information with the police. …
Health topics
… right away. Glucagon is a hormone that raises blood sugar quickly. It can be given as a shot or as a powder that's … give another glucagon shot. Give glucose tablets or quick-sugar food. slide 6 of 6 < Prev      Next > slide 6 of 6, Give glucose tablets or quick-sugar food., Give some glucose tablets or quick-sugar …
Health topics
… no signs of disease, and be friendly toward children. These tips can help protect both your pet and your child from … prey to animals. Even a very loving, well-behaved pet can quickly transform into predator mode with a newborn. Try the … sides. Avoid looking directly into the animal's eyes. Keep avoiding eye contact, and slowly back away after the dog …
Health topics
… happens slowly over hours or days. But it can also happen quickly (in just a few hours) if your child eats a large … or misses a dose of diabetes medicine or insulin. These tips can help you prevent high blood sugar emergencies. Know … happens slowly over hours or days. But it can also happen quickly (in just a few hours) if your child eats a large …