3988 results found
Health topics
… Quitting Smoking: Your Social Life On this page: Overview … a big part of your social life. Do you automatically smoke when you are around someone who is smoking? Do certain … quit. You can support each other through the tough times. When it's all over, you'll be able to celebrate the choice …
Health topics
… Overview Changing anything big in your life can be stressful. It can seem like a lot to do. This can be especially true when the change involves tobacco, a drug, alcohol, or … some people, knowing that something has to change happens quickly. For others, it can take years. But no matter how …
Health topics
… Healthcare-associated pneumonia is pneumonia that you get when you are in a hospital or nursing home. It's … puts you at risk? You can get hospital-acquired pneumonia when you are in a hospital. You are more likely to get it if …
Health topics
… phrase for surviving a drowning event. Drowning happens when a person is underwater and breathes water into the … care is critical after a person survives a drowning. When to call your doctor Call 9-1-1 or other emergency services …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview If your child has a barking cough: Hold your child in a calming … or crushed ice drinks. Do not smoke in the house or car when you are travelling with your child. Repeat the above … or crushed ice drinks. Do not smoke in the house or car when you are travelling with your child. Repeat the above …
Health topics
… Overview It's hard to have good days when being sick makes you feel sad, lonely, uncomfortable, or scared. Your quality … better and to get the most out of the time you have left. When does the care happen? This is a kind of care for people …
Health topics
… surgery to remove a piece of the liver. Up to one-half of your liver can be removed if the rest of it is healthy. The … in the liver can be removed with this surgery. But even when this surgery can't remove all the cancer from the … in the liver can be removed with this surgery. But even when this surgery can't remove all the cancer from the …
Health topics
… bacteria, like other kinds of bacteria, normally live on your skin and in your nose, usually without causing … well to many common antibiotics used to kill bacteria. When methicillin and other antibiotics do not kill the … of the infection. MRSA bacteria are more likely to develop when antibiotics are used too often or are not used …
Health topics
… of stem uses a combination of cement and porous coating. Your doctor may use regional anesthesia . This means you … the middle of your body. Keep a pillow between your knees when you are lying down. There are different precautions … first few weeks after surgery. Your doctor will tell you when you can walk on your own. Your doctor will tell you …
Health topics
… Headaches Learning Center Learn about headaches Does your head hurt? Most people get headaches at least once in … to know about the different kinds of headaches and give you tips on how to treat and prevent them. For more information, … to know about the different kinds of headaches and give you tips on how to treat and prevent them. For more information, …