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3933 results found
Health topics
… Glaucoma On this page: Health Tools Cause What Increases Your Risk Symptoms What Happens When to Call Exams and Tests Treatment Overview Self-Care Medicines Surgery Condition … can lose your vision. Glaucoma is one of the most common causes of legal blindness in the world. At first, people with …
Health topics
… Why It Is Done Thalamotomy is rarely done today. It may be used to treat severe tremor on one side of the body (most often in an arm or leg) that does not respond to medicines. It doesn't help with slow movement … or trouble with walking. Deep brain stimulation is often used instead of thalamotomy, because it doesn't destroy …
Health topics
… symptoms. Hemorrhoids are common during pregnancy, because: The enlarged uterus places extra pressure on the large … Constipation, a common problem during pregnancy, causes less frequent and more strained bowel movements. The … or she may recommend: An over-the-counter or prescription medicine to apply to hemorrhoids to relieve the itching. A …
Health topics
… your throat better when you breathe. This surgery may be used to improve obstructive sleep apnea that has not been … you sleep and blocks the airway. So you may still need to use continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). You will … and periods of not breathing (apnea) related to the medicines that are used to relieve pain and help you sleep. …
Health topics
… of the most common forms of male sexual dysfunction. What causes it? Most cases of premature ejaculation do not have a clear cause. Premature ejaculation may occur with a new partner. It … be related to a medical problem or a side effect of certain medicines. What are the symptoms? The main symptom of …
Health topics
… Overview Blood draw puncture site The puncture wound caused by a needle stick for a blood sample or to donate blood … (IV) line puncture site If you need intravenous fluids or medicine directly into the vein, a needle attached to an … for a needle stick. If bruising occurs at a puncture site: Use a cold pack for comfort. You can use the cold pack for …
Health topics
… frustrated if the person doesn't want to take all of the medicine prescribed or if he or she doesn't get better … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the Terms of …
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… you are having a lupus flare or are taking corticosteroid medicines, you may have irregular menstrual cycles. This can … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the Terms of …
Health topics
… High blood pressure can limit the baby's growth and cause other serious problems. Sometimes it's a first sign of a … pre-eclampsia . High blood pressure usually doesn't cause symptoms. You will probably feel fine, even if your … of pre-eclampsia. You may need little or no blood pressure medicine while you're pregnant. Blood pressure usually falls …
Health topics
… as watching television or reading. These symptoms may cause only minor problems at work or while spending time with … as attending a concert or a meeting. These symptoms may cause moderate problems with work or social functioning. … Staff Medical Review: Anne C. Poinier MD - Internal Medicine Donald Sproule MDCM, CCFP - Family Medicine Adam …