3993 results found
Health topics
… Use the chart below to keep track of how much activity you are getting. Include not only long walks or workouts, but also anytime you do something extra, like taking the stairs instead of … 1. 2. 3. Make a new chart each week and compare your results. The time spent each day and the intensity …
Health topics
… such as cocaine or amphetamines, also can cause changes in your heart rate or rhythm. If changes in your heart rate or rhythm occur following the start of a new … may need to be stopped, changed, or the dose adjusted. If you are taking a non-prescription medicine, stop taking the …
Health topics
… redness, and peeling of the skin. It may also increase your sensitivity to sunlight and make you more likely to get sunburned. Be sure to protect your skin from exposure to the sun (or any other source of …
Health topics
… Going On Inside On this page: Overview Overview By week 20, you've probably felt your baby move. It may not feel like an obvious kick—yet! Instead, your baby's first movements might feel like "butterflies" or …
Health topics
… care is paid for in different ways across Canada. If you are considering hospice palliative care, it is important for you and your family to find out how your care will be paid for and …
Health topics
… or both. Music-making is a healthy way of expressing yourself. Why It Is Done You can use music therapy to help your mental and physical health. It helps people express …
Health topics
… possible after an injury, such as a knee or ankle sprain, you can relieve pain and swelling and promote healing and … or take a break from any activity that may be causing your pain or soreness. Ice. Apply an ice or cold pack right … or swelling in the area below the bandage. Talk to your doctor if you think you need to use a wrap for longer …
Health topics
… Fibre-optic pharyngoscopy is a procedure that allows your doctor to look into the upper part of your respiratory system . He or she may use it to help decide how to treat your obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). You remain awake during …
Health topics
… Walking log Last updated November 1, 2021 Recording your walks is a good way to maintain a schedule, track your progress, and set goals for yourself. Our walking log allows you to track where you’re …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview If your child's fever is over 40°C (104°F) , contact your doctor. Before you give a sponge bath to a child who has a fever, give your …