2762 results found
Health topics
… Stay at a healthy weight, or lose weight, by eating healthy foods and being physically active. Being overweight could … Stay at a healthy weight, or lose weight, by eating healthy foods and being physically active. Being overweight could …
Health topics
… drops too low. Keep some glucose tablets or quick-sugar food with you. You may get symptoms of low blood sugar … drops too low. Keep some glucose tablets or quick-sugar food with you. You may get symptoms of low blood sugar …
Health topics
… you are busy giving care, it may seem easier to eat fast food than to prepare healthy meals. But healthy meals can be … you are busy giving care, it may seem easier to eat fast food than to prepare healthy meals. But healthy meals can be …
Health topics
… group. Follow healthy habits. For example, eat a variety of foods, including grains, proteins, vegetables and fruit, and … group. Follow healthy habits. For example, eat a variety of foods, including grains, proteins, vegetables and fruit, and …
Health topics
… This can help you avoid the snack machine or nearby fast food restaurants. If you're often too tired to make dinner … This can help you avoid the snack machine or nearby fast food restaurants. If you're often too tired to make dinner …
Health topics
… exercises using weights. You can use cans of food instead of buying dumbbells. Do aerobic activity. These … cost nothing. And they all count as aerobic activity. Walk briskly to work or to do errands. Push a lawn mower. Vacuum. … exercises using weights. You can use cans of food instead of buying dumbbells. Do aerobic activity. These …
Health topics
… A feeding tube or an intravenous (IV) line to provide food and fluids if you can't eat or drink. Cardiopulmonary … is usually involved? What are the benefits? What are the risks and side effects? Stop treatment to prolong your life … A feeding tube or an intravenous (IV) line to provide food and fluids if you can't eat or drink. Cardiopulmonary …
Health topics
… To Expect After Surgery Why It Is Used How Well It Works Risks What To Think About Surgery Overview Stress … the evidence is not as strong. footnote 2 , footnote 1 Risks The most common risks of TVT surgery are: Injury to the bladder or urethra …
Health topics
… Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview Mitral valve repair is … of life, and prevent damage to the heart. footnote 1 Risks The risks of mitral valve repair surgery vary depending on a few …
Health topics
… Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Treatment Overview Transcatheter aortic … treatment, doctors don't yet know the long-term benefits or risks. They also don't know how long the valves will last. … work well for at least 5 years. footnote 1 , footnote 2 Risks TAVI doesn't involve open-heart surgery. But the …