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Health topics
… cavity cancer or oropharyngeal cancer. What puts you at risk? Things that increase your risk for oral cancer include using tobacco and heavy alcohol use. Other risk factors are being male and having an HPV infection. For …
Health topics
… such as abusive head trauma . This is also known as shaken baby syndrome. Anyone with a head injury should be watched, … your home safe from falls. For example, never leave your baby alone in a high place, such as on a table or a bed. … or light-headed. Changes in mood or personality. For a baby or toddler, you may notice this as the child being a …
Health topics
… care, it's a good idea to have one. If you have any risk factors for HIV infection, your health professional may … a chance that you have the virus. If you do have HIV, your baby could also become infected. The virus is usually passed … pregnancy. Breastfeeding can pass the virus from mother to baby. Treatment with medicines called antiretrovirals, both …
Health topics
… Coenzyme Q10 On this page: Treatment Overview Why It Is Used Risks Treatment Overview … is naturally present in small amounts in a wide variety of foods, but levels are particularly high in organ meats such … and peanuts. Coenzymes help enzymes work to digest food and perform other body processes, and they help protect …
Health topics
… reaction may not occur the first time you're exposed to an allergy-producing substance ( allergen ). For example, the … types of allergies. Some of the more common ones include: Food allergies. They are more common in children than adults. Food allergies are most common in people who have an …
Health topics
… that full-term infants get.  Preemies also have a higher risk than full-term infants for getting severe respiratory … at least 2 weeks before being in close contact with your baby. Adults and children need to get the yearly flu vaccine … as soon as you can. These vaccines can help protect your baby from severe problems from these diseases. Related …
Health topics
… routine screening test for certain STIs if you have a high risk for infection. For example, you're at high risk if … to the newborn, which can cause serious problems for the baby. Chlamydia and gonorrhea can cause pelvic inflammatory … to serious problems, including not being able to have a baby (infertility). Syphilis can cause problems with …
Health topics
… Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview A biliopancreatic … of digestion by making the stomach smaller. It allows food to bypass part of the small intestine so that you … stomach was its original size. This reduces the amount of food you will want to eat. Bypassing part of the intestine …
Health topics
… or observation, is sometimes used to manage a high-risk pregnancy. You may need expectant management at home or … Check your blood pressure. Check your weight. Monitor your baby's movements. Keep a written record of your results, … During expectant management in the hospital, you and your baby will have more frequent electronic monitoring and lab …
Health topics
… needed for employment or for travel to another country. The risk of getting a disease is much greater than the risk of … you have had and what you may need to protect your baby. And if you live with a pregnant woman, make sure your … for areas with poor sanitation (for example, poor water and food handling). For example: If you are going to South …