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2762 results found
Health topics
… Conditions Basics What is an undescended testicle? As a baby boy grows inside his mother, he develops testicles . … testicle does not move into the scrotum as it should, the baby has an undescended testicle . In rare cases, both … months old. footnote 1 It is safe and effective and has few risks. Most babies recover quickly. When babies have a …
Health topics
… to know if your child is overweight "Overweight" and "at risk of overweight" are terms sometimes used when referring … child who is overweight Your job is to offer nutritious food choices at meals and snack times. You decide what , … child's job is to choose how much he or she will eat of the foods you serve. Your child even gets to decide whether to …
Health topics
… and blood in the urine can turn urine red-brown. Some foods (such as asparagus), vitamins, and antibiotics (such … that the tool asks the right questions for you. Does your baby seem sick? A sick baby probably will not be acting normally. For example, the …
Health topics
… Live a healthy lifestyle. Get regular sleep, eat healthy foods at regular times, avoid alcohol and drugs, and avoid foods that may trigger your headaches. Don't get too tired … Live a healthy lifestyle. Get regular sleep, eat healthy foods at regular times, avoid alcohol and drugs, and avoid …
Health topics
… sex. If you're pregnant, you can also spread them to your baby before or during the birth. STIs are common. But they … serious health problems for yourself. And it can reduce the risk of spreading the infection to others. Preventing STIs … sex. If you're pregnant, you can also spread them to your baby before or during the birth. STIs are common. But they …
Health topics
… your sexual desire. Exhaustion, breast soreness, your baby's demands, and recovery from childbirth may reduce your … But you may feel more comfortable having sex after the baby is born. Each woman's experience is different. You can … your sexual desire. Exhaustion, breast soreness, your baby's demands, and recovery from childbirth may reduce your …
Health topics
… memory, attention and processing speed Reduced anxiety and risk of depression Improved sleep Lower risk of falls and fall-related injuries Improved quality of life For people at risk of or living with chronic conditions, being physically …
Health topics
… How to Prepare How It Is Done What Happens After Donation Risks Testing Donated Blood Overview … sure you feel good. Don't give blood if you feel ill. Eat foods rich in iron, such as meat, fish, beans, or leafy … days before you donate. Eat a healthy meal. But avoid fatty foods. They can affect some of the tests done on donated …
Health topics
… surgery. Problems with the way your body digests food, such as sprue (celiac disease) or Crohn's disease. … This anemia can also occur in people who don't eat enough foods with B12. This may include people who eat a vegan diet and older adults who don't eat a variety of foods. Other causes include drinking alcohol and taking …
Health topics
… bleeding and cramping with periods, which lowers the risk of anemia . Fewer or no periods. Reduced pain during ovulation. Reduced risk of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Reduced fibrocystic breast changes. Reduced risk of ectopic pregnancy . May reduce acne. May reduce …