2762 results found
Health topics
… of this. Your age and your cholesterol levels raise your risk of having a heart attack or a stroke.'" That was the … changes. They made a plan. He would eat more heart-healthy foods. And he would take a half-hour brisk walk most days of … it turned out to be pretty simple: Don't eat so much fatty food. And get some exercise." One change at a time Joe knew …
Health topics
… if you think your nose may be broken. This increases your risk of infection . A blood clot forms in the tissue that … child are different than the symptoms in a young child or baby . Severe Severe difficulty breathing Moderate Moderate … in an adult or child are different than signs of pain in a baby or toddler . 8 to 10: Severe pain Severe pain 5 to 7: …
Health topics
… swelling, redness, and pain in any joint or joints. A baby or child is unusually cranky or reluctant to crawl or … to normal each day with or without a pink skin rash. A baby or child is reluctant to crawl or walk in the early … a medical concern. If your child has little appetite for food, see a registered dietitian for help. Learn more …
Health topics
… in pregnancy, they develop more insulin resistance. The risks to your baby. Your diabetes will put your baby at risk for birth defects. This is especially true if …
Health topics
… Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview Cervical cerclage (say "SER-vuh-kul … During pregnancy, it is tightly closed to protect the baby. Normally, it doesn't open until the baby is ready to be born. Most of the time, this happens at …
Health topics
… need surgery to repair a hernia because of the increased risk of incarceration and strangulation . Key points to … bothers me some, but I have decided to wait until after my baby is born to have the hernia repaired. I just think there is too great a chance of harm to my baby from the anesthesia and surgery to have the hernia …
Health topics
… is severe. Here are some steps you can take to lower your risk of noise-induced hearing loss. Be aware of and avoid … getting worse. Wonder if you need hearing aids. Think your baby or child may not be hearing well. Watchful waiting … These alert you to the doorbell, a ringing telephone, or a baby monitor. Television closed-captioning. This shows the …
Health topics
… or deep breathing before you go to bed. Eat healthy foods Quitting smoking increases your appetite. To avoid … in mind that the secret to weight control is eating healthy food and being more active. Don't try to diet. Most people who deprive themselves of food at the same time they are trying to stop smoking have …
Health topics
… Other Settings , Copyright 2005-2009 Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology If proper technique and … pain. Avoid smoking, and don't drink alcohol or eat spicy foods until a mouth or tongue piercing site is fully healed. … pain. Avoid smoking, and don't drink alcohol or eat spicy foods until a mouth or tongue piercing site is fully healed. …
Health topics
… Many healthy eating patterns contain mostly plant-based foods. Find out more on this page. Plant-based eating patterns Plant-based eating patterns can lower your risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 … guidelines Mediterranean diet Vegetarian diets Vegan diet Food Guide Snapshot (PDF 1.53MB, Government of Canada) …