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Health topics
… who has sickle cell disease . A sickle cell crisis occurs when sickle-shaped red blood cells clump together and block … from hours to days. "Painful event" and "painful crisis" are other terms used to describe these episodes. Some people … pain medicines, such as morphine, to ease the pain. You can prepare for a crisis in advance by creating a pain …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview List each medicine that you take. Be sure to include over-the-counter medicines, … and other natural health products. Use this as a guide when you fill out the chart. Medicine names. Include both … the pharmacist at each store knows all the medicines you are taking. The pharmacist can then check for medicine …
Health topics
… Taking Antidepressants Safely Actionset Overview If your doctor has prescribed antidepressants, there are some important things you need to know about how to take … most benefit from your medicine. Antidepressants work best when you take them exactly as your doctor prescribes them. …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview There are many ways that adults can help children and teens … approach to food and exercise. Avoid punishing or rewarding your children with food. Be a good role model for healthy … eating and exercising. Be a good role model by having a positive view of yourself, regardless of your body shape and …
Health topics
… objects or forgotten tampons may cause a vaginal infection. Young girls might insert pieces of toilet paper, small toys, … a young girl requires treatment by a doctor to reduce the risk of complications and to evaluate the possibility of … is attached. Tighten your lower abdominal muscles as if you are going to have a bowel movement. This may push the object …
Health topics
… Chemical exposure Take care during pregnancy to protect your developing baby (fetus) from harmful chemicals. Avoid … to warm the bed, but it is a good idea to turn it off when you get into bed so that you don't become overheated. … footnote 2 An occasional airline flight doesn't pose a risk. But if you fly often on business or as an airline …
Health topics
… Overview Sickle cell trait occurs when a person inherits a sickle cell gene from just one parent. People with sickle cell trait rarely have symptoms. … Testing positive for sickle cell trait doesn't mean that you need to have treatment or make changes in your …
Health topics
area over the blister open. Don't drain a blister unless you really need to. It's best not to drain a blister at … of any size if: You have a condition such as diabetes, HIV, cancer, or heart disease. Draining a blister increases your risk of infection. You think your blister is from a …
Health topics
… Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Managing Your Energy On this page: Overview Overview Two techniques can help you manage your energy when you have ME/CFS. They are: Staying within your energy envelope. Pacing yourself. …
Health topics
… Cleft Palate: Feeding Your Baby On this page: Overview … breast milk in a bottle and then feed it to your baby. Here are some tips to try when feeding your baby who has a cleft palate . These tips …