3992 results found
Health topics
… Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview Joint replacement involves surgery to … time to hold it in place without cement. The top end of your upper arm bone is shaped like a ball. Muscles and … Talk with your doctor or nurse if you don't feel well. When you wake up from surgery, you will have a bandage on …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview Newborn senses Your newborn is equipped with all five senses. But some are more developed than others. Touch. Your newborn's sense … of the corner of his or her eyes (peripheral vision) and when objects are about 23 cm (9 in.) to 30.5 cm (12 in.) …
Health topics
… an infection or inflammation of the tonsils . The tonsils are areas of lymph tissue on both sides of the throat, above … , a headache, and trouble swallowing. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will look at your throat to see if you have red … pain medicine. Surgery to remove the tonsils is only used when there are serious problems with the tonsils. Does your …
Health topics
… than feeling guilty about past mistakes, begin from where you are now - build a respectful, honest, and open … your child’s own use. Drinking too much, too often or in risky ways can send the message that these behaviours are … The aim is to identify possible reasons to change. When you know and are convinced of the reasons to change, …
Health topics
… Recovering from a heart problem means not only getting back your physical strength but also getting back your emotional … physically, emotionally, and mentally. Remember that you are going to start feeling better soon. You are working to … for treatment, the sooner you can start to feel better. And when you feel better, it might be easier to do the things …
Health topics
… Spinal Cord Injury: Talking With Your Partner About Sex On this page: Overview Related … assume that they each know what the other person likes when it comes to sex. But likes and dislikes may change … your sexual function and how you feel about it. Here are some tips for good communication. Talk openly. Talk …
Health topics
… what you are trying to do. It's important to include "by when" or "how long" as well as "what." Pace yourself. You may want or need to quit slowly by reducing the number of times you use tobacco each day over … Identify situations in which you will be at greatest risk. Plan for ways to handle a strong urge to use tobacco. …
Health topics
… planning? Discharge planning helps to make sure that you leave the hospital safely and smoothly and get the right care after that. You, the person who is caring for you, and … Write down any questions you have about what will happen when you get home, what your family can do to help, or who's …
Health topics
… Health Tools Habits are hard to break. That's why the sooner in life we build … it is to keep them and stay as healthy as possible. And when good habits are in place, it's easier to resist bad ones. Your child's habits start with you The most important thing …
Health topics
… Help Your School-Age Child Develop Social Skills On this page: … enjoy new friendships. Making friends and being accepted are important. School is a place where children are put in … should be addressed, parents should be sensitive about when to get involved and try to let children work out issues …