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3992 results found
Health topics
… Overview Overview Use this form to describe the severity of your heart failure symptoms and whether they get worse. … any new symptoms that develop. Take this form with you when you visit your doctor. Symptoms Describe severity of symptoms and when they started Shortness of breath   Swelling in your …
Health topics
… What is a phobia? Having a phobia means you are extremely afraid of a specific object, situation, or … most people feel worry and stress at some time, such as when speaking in front of a large group of people. People …
Health topics
… How to Teach Your Child by Example On this page: Overview Related … Teaching your child by example isn't about being a perfect parent. True, it's about showing, or modelling, healthy … Here are some tools to help you. Show your work. At a time when you would normally yell, you can follow your plan to do …
Health topics
… disease. It's a term used to describe the normal changes in your spinal discs as you age. Spinal discs are small, spongy discs that separate the bones (vertebrae) … the symptoms of degenerative disc disease in some people. When the discs break down, they can lose fluid and dry out, …
Health topics
… a baby's stomach that causes forceful vomiting. It happens when the baby's pylorus , which connects the stomach and the … stenosis anytime between birth and 3 months of age. It rarely happens in babies older than 3 months. It usually starts about 3 to 6 weeks after birth. If your baby was born early (premature), symptoms may start …
Health topics
… Encouraging Language Development in Your Preschooler On this page: Overview … language development is likely to progress faster when they are often given the chance to interact with both children …
Health topics
Your Baby's Movements During Pregnancy On this page: … may kick, hiccup, roll, turn, and twist. These movements are common and expected. As your baby grows, these movements … baby move from head-down to feet-down, or even sideways. When and how often babies move After 18 to 20 weeks, you may …
Health topics
… may come and go and can cause pain and discomfort. But when it happens for weeks, months, or years, you may have chronic constipation. Chronic constipation can … diagnose you with a type of irritable bowel syndrome . What are the symptoms? The symptoms include having less than …
Health topics
… SLAP tear? A SLAP tear is a specific kind of injury to your shoulder. To help make your shoulder more stable, there … in a SLAP injury . What causes it? A shoulder SLAP tear is when the labrum frays or tears because of an injury. You may … injuries, such as a tear in the rotator cuff . What are the symptoms? Symptoms of a SLAP tear may include: …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview You will recover in the hospital after coronary artery … help begin your rehabilitation and educate you on how to care for yourself when you return home. You must demonstrate that you are