2419 results found
Health topics
… Heart-healthy cooking tips Instead of: Try: Frying your food Baking, broiling, steaming, poaching, or grilling your food. Eating convenience foods (canned soups, TV dinners, frozen pizza) Eating fresh …
Health topics
… part or all of your meniscus. What are discomforts or risks of having an MRI or arthroscopy? You will not have any … MRI machine, which is less confining than a standard MRI. Risks of arthroscopy include: Bleeding within the joint. … Blood clotting in your leg. Nerve or joint damage. A rare risk of compartment syndrome if pressure builds within the …
Health topics
… your baby grows? As your baby grows and begins eating solid foods, you may notice changes in your baby's stool. When you … loose or even runny. When you start to give your baby solid foods, the stools will become firmer and may have a stronger odour. If food is not strained, you may see pieces of food in the …
Health topics
… Is more physically active than usual without eating enough food. Takes a medicine that can lower blood sugar as a side … when your child's blood sugar gets low. Keep quick-sugar food handy. This includes glucose tablets, fruit juice, and … may not always have the same symptoms. Offer quick-sugar food when your child has low blood sugar. Give your child …
Health topics
… started eating smaller portions, and she cut down on fast foods—little steps that still allowed her to eat some of her favourite foods (like french fries, cheesecake, and chocolate chip … weight, and she rattles off the list: Cutting down on fast food. Learning to control portion sizes. Exercising 5 days a …
Health topics
… deeper puncture wounds than dog bites. They have a high risk of bacterial infection because they can be hard to … concern. The bites from some pets, such as iguanas, are at risk for infection. But they don't carry other serious risks. Livestock bites , such as from horses, cows, and …
Health topics
… Overview What to Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Treatment Overview Radiation therapy uses high energy … effective ways to use radiation therapy to treat cancer. Risks Radiation therapy may shrink a tumour, give you relief … from cancer symptoms, or possibly cure cancer. But it has risks for serious side effects. Your doctor will recommend …
Health topics
… Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview Tissue flap surgery is a way to … to your breast, but with time, some feeling may return. Risks Many of the risks associated with breast reconstruction are the same as …
Health topics
… there are things you can do to reduce your active child's risk of injury. Make sure that your child learns proper form … let your child ignore or "play through" it. Avoid high-risk activities. Some activities are so high-risk that child health experts warn strongly against them. …
Health topics
… Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview Deep brain stimulation … GPi. Quality of life was similar between the two groups. Risks Risks of DBS include: Infection or skin irritation caused by …