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… birth after caesarean (VBAC) . But others are okay with the careful use of certain medicines to start labour. For a … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the …
Health topics
… same time. A toxic reaction may require immediate medical care or may lead to death. Signs and symptoms of a toxic … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information means that you agree to the …
Health topics
… down. But you can have bouts of baby blues throughout your baby's first year. If your depressed feelings have lasted more than 2 weeks, your … your doctor immediately or call 9-1-1 for emergency medical care. How is postpartum depression treated? Depression is a …
Health topics
… usually is possible if you plan ahead. Start by seeing your doctor several weeks to months before your travel date. Ask your doctor to: Figure out how much … the places where you will travel, in case you need medical care during your trip. Learn how to use a portable oxygen …
Health topics
… kidneys, and it leaves the body in urine and stool. During pregnancy, the mother's body removes the extra bilirubin for … get good at removing bilirubin from the blood. If you feed your baby every 2 to 3 hours, mild jaundice will usually go away on its own after a few days. But if your baby has any signs of jaundice, you and your doctor …
Health topics
… worse. People who have depression may find it hard to take care of their health. This can lead to health problems. … habits, like smoking. Some chronic diseases change your body chemistry. This can help cause depression. … of the two works best. You can try many things to help yourself when you feel depressed. These things may also help …
Health topics
… B12 deficiency anemia is a blood problem that occurs when your body doesn't have enough of this vitamin. Your body needs B12 to make red blood cells , which carry … Age 9 to 13 years: 1.8 mcg Age 14 and older: 2.4 mcg During pregnancy: 2.6 mcg While breastfeeding: 2.8 mcg What are the …
Health topics
… everyone. Being active can help you stay healthy, control your weight, and get the most out of life. No matter what your age or condition, there is a type of exercise that's … Exercise and Physical Activity Ideas Exercise During Pregnancy Exercise for Rheumatoid Arthritis Exercise Helps …
Health topics
… Alcohol has both immediate and long-term effects on your body, including an increased risk of injuries and chronic diseases. The less you drink, the lower your risk. Different factors put some people more at risk … (FASD). To learn more, visit Alcohol and drug use during pregnancy While breastfeeding Driving a motor vehicle. Learn …
Health topics
… Zika virus. If you plan to travel, you can learn about your risk in the area you're travelling to. Contact: The … more. The U.S. CDC at its website ( www.cdc.gov/zika ). Your doctor or local health unit. How is it spread? Zika is … there are Zika outbreaks. Experts recommend that you delay pregnancy if you or your male partner has been to an area …