4052 results found
Health topics
… when the sugar (glucose) level in the blood rises above your child's target range. It can happen if your child: Misses a dose of insulin or diabetes medicine. … blood sugar. Show other people involved in your child's care how to check your child's blood sugar. Keep …
Health topics
… called De Quervain's, is a problem that makes the bottom of your thumb and the side of your wrist hurt. When you have de Quervain's, the ropey … Symptoms often get better in a few weeks with home care. Your doctor may want you to start some gentle …
Health topics
… . They plot measurements on a growth chart to see how your child compares physically to other children of the same … update the chart at each routine examination to document your child's growth pattern. "Overweight" and "obese" are … may be at risk of becoming overweight. Your doctor will carefully track growth over time, watching for a change in …
Health topics
… insulin or certain diabetes pills that lower blood sugar, your blood sugar may get too low at times. Low blood sugar … if you: Take too much diabetes medicine in a day, take your doses too close together, or take your full dose of … in case your blood sugar becomes very low. Post emergency care instructions at home and at work. If you take insulin, …
Health topics
… are two types of teeth whitening. Bleaching. Bleaching your teeth changes the colour of the tooth enamel and … removes both surface stains and those deeper in the teeth. Your dentist can bleach your teeth at their office. Or you … replace the primary teeth. Basic Dental Care Current as of: November 14, 2022 Author: …
Health topics
… such as sweating, shakiness, and hunger. Taking too much of your diabetes medicine in one day, not eating enough food, or doing strenuous physical activity can cause your blood sugar level to drop below your target range. If … blood sugar becomes very low. Post information on emergency care for low blood sugar in a convenient place so that those …
Health topics
… is a common stress-relieving habit. You may bite your nails in times of stress or excitement, or in times of … -pulling, tooth-grinding, and picking at skin. You may bite your nails without realizing you are doing it. You might be … to nail-biting. Keep your nails trimmed and filed. Taking care of your nails can help reduce your nail-biting habit …
Health topics
… be called either paraffin or wax) to apply moist heat to your hands or feet to ease the pain and stiffness of … Paraffin wax especially helps to reduce pain and loosen up your hand and finger joints before exercise. You will need: … Relax your hand or foot and dip it into the wax. Be very careful not to touch the sides or bottom of the pot. Allow …
Health topics
… arms during a crash. For every ride in a car, make sure your child is securely strapped into a car seat. Make sure … the guidelines and instructions provided by the maker of your car seat. Car seat requirements Infant and child car … attention while you are driving, stop the car. Then take care of your child's needs. Don't let your child get out of …
Health topics
… a long-lasting (chronic) disease that may last throughout your life—you must treat it long term. But following a … period of time. Here are some reasons you may not follow your management plan. Possible solutions are listed too. … he or she can do for the condition. The child may have many caregivers, making it hard for the child to be on a regular …