1186 results found
Health topics
… Your health habits and lifestyle , such as eating and exercise habits, smoking, alcohol or drug use, sexual … can't change. Be kind to your body. Relieve tension with exercise or massage. Try stress-relief techniques that focus … Your health habits and lifestyle , such as eating and exercise habits, smoking, alcohol or drug use, sexual …
Health topics
… Your health habits and lifestyle , such as eating and exercise habits, smoking, alcohol or drug use, sexual … if swelling is gone, apply heat . You can start gentle exercise with the aid of moist heat to help restore and keep … Your health habits and lifestyle , such as eating and exercise habits, smoking, alcohol or drug use, sexual …
Health topics
… tight clothes, straining with bowel movements, vigorous exercise, and pregnancy. Smoking and use of other tobacco … Your health habits and lifestyle , such as eating and exercise habits, smoking, alcohol or drug use, sexual … tight clothes, straining with bowel movements, vigorous exercise, and pregnancy. Smoking and use of other tobacco …
Health topics
… pressure. Avoid taking your blood pressure if you have just exercised. Also avoid taking it if you are nervous or upset. … pressure. Avoid taking your blood pressure if you have just exercised. Also avoid taking it if you are nervous or upset. …
Health topics
… and bleeding after menopause are symptoms of hyperplasia. Exercise regularly. It may help control your weight and may … and biofeedback to reduce pain and tension. Breathing exercises to help you relax. Talk with your doctor about any … and bleeding after menopause are symptoms of hyperplasia. Exercise regularly. It may help control your weight and may …
Health topics
… Your health habits and lifestyle , such as eating and exercise habits, smoking, alcohol or drug use, sexual … if swelling is gone, apply heat . You can start gentle exercise with the aid of moist heat to help restore and keep … if swelling is gone, apply heat. You can start gentle exercise with the aid of moist heat to help restore and keep …
Health topics
… in the log or notebook, such as insulin doses, your exercise, and foods you have eaten. You and your doctor will … in the log or notebook, such as insulin doses, your exercise, and foods you have eaten. You and your doctor will …
Health topics
… to time your heart beats very fast for a reason other than exercise, high fever, or stress. For most people who have … to time your heart beats very fast for a reason other than exercise, high fever, or stress. For most people who have …
Health topics
… are physically or mentally demanding (including housework, exercise, schoolwork, video games, text messaging, or using … are physically or mentally demanding (including housework, exercise, schoolwork, video games, text messaging, or using …
Health topics