1185 results found
Health topics
… you travel because of work or for pleasure, fitting in some exercise can be hard. Try these tips to stay active when you travel. Plan your exercise when you prepare for your trip. Take the time to … get around those barriers. Try to find a hotel that has an exercise room, exercise videos, or a swimming pool. Or look …
Health topics
… training, habit training, biofeedback, and pelvic muscle exercises . People who have incontinence due to physical or … biofeedback methods along with pelvic floor exercises. During biofeedback, bladder, rectal sphincter, … Pelvic floor muscle training Pelvic floor (Kegel) exercises can help strengthen some of the muscles that …
Health topics
… Evidence from moderate quality systematic reviews suggest exercise improves physical fitness, physical functioning, … systolic blood pressure for dialysis-dependent CKD clients. Exercise alleviates symptoms of CKD, such as depression, … leg syndrome. Additionally, there is emerging evidence that exercise might improve estimated glomerular filtration rate …
Health topics
… aerobic physical activity each week. Resistance exercise, which provide clear health benefits, should be incorporated at least 2 days each week as well as exercises to improve flexibility and balance. Any amount of … vigorous-intensity activity throughout the day. Health and exercise professionals play a key role in supporting adults …
Health topics
… one. Talk with your doctor if you're worried about how exercise might affect your health. If you're already active, … active, if you aren't already—has real benefits. Aerobic exercise strengthens your heart. It improves your health and … to do the things you like to do. Some examples of aerobic exercise are brisk walking and swimming. Strengthening …
Health topics
… a neighbour. While they watch your child, you can get some exercise. Then you can return the favour. Get your exercise in small chunks. Three 10-minute periods of … best for you and your family. If you work outside the home, exercise at work or on the way to or from work. How can you …
Health topics
… planning to do resistance training. Be sure to choose exercises that are right for your health, medical condition, … for at least 2 days between sessions. Do at least 8 to 10 exercises that include all the major muscle groups. Each exercise should be done for 10 to 15 repetitions. …
Health topics
… started You may be worried about having enough energy to exercise. Remember that exercise can actually give you more energy. Most people feel … drink enough fluids to balance the loss from sweating from exercise. To protect yourself from dehydration: Drink plenty …
Health topics
… a stroke, it is good to talk to your doctor or a qualified exercise professional before becoming more active. They can … can have important health benefits. Useful resources Exercise after Stroke (Heart and Stroke Foundation of … of physical activities that you can do as well as links to exercise programs and resources. Aerobic Exercise After …
Health topics
… The chart can help you see your progress in the walking exercises for vertigo. Put the date in the first column, how … far you walked or how many times you were able to do the exercises in the second column, and how you felt in the third column. Make three copies, and use one for each exercise. For exercises 1 and 3, note the distance walked. …