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1145 results found
Health topics
… or speech therapy to help you function better. Exercise can also help. Brain surgery, such as deep brain … Speech therapy. Speech therapists use breathing and speech exercises to help you overcome speech problems like the soft … you improve problems with eating, swallowing, and drooling. Exercise and physiotherapy. Therapists may help you improve …
Health topics
… control of symptoms during the day, at night, and after exercise. These symptoms include wheezing, coughing, … or less. This does not include using your inhaler before exercise to prevent symptoms. Can exercise, work, and go to school at your normal activity …
Health topics
… Avoid constipation and straining Do pelvic floor (Kegel) exercises Rest and sleep on your side with a pillow between … for support Practicing deep breathing and relaxation exercises Listening to relaxing music Improved breathing … to pee Pee regularly Avoid caffeine Do pelvic floor (Kegel) exercises Braxton Hicks contractions You may find you get …
Health topics
… Be active. Get regular aerobic and strength-conditioning exercise. Swimming, walking, and arm exercises are the safest activities. Don't exercise if you're not feeling well or if the weather is …
Health topics
… and other health professionals. Friends and family. An exercise buddy or program. If you're having trouble coping … Set short-term goals for healthy eating habits and exercise. List the benefits Continually remind yourself that … and other health professionals. Friends and family. An exercise buddy or program. If you're having trouble coping …
Health topics
… they are causing your fatigue Discussion of your sleep and exercise habits Help for fatigue Based on your symptoms and … low hormone levels, your doctor can treat those problems. Exercise may boost your strength and give you more energy. … Or find another activity that you like to do. Regular exercise relieves stress. It also keeps your heart, lungs, …
Health topics
… to follow a healthy eating plan and get more exercise while taking the supplement. It's wise to talk to … to also make healthy changes to your diet and get regular exercise. Water-loss pills (diuretics, such as Diurex Water … get to a healthy weight and stay there is to eat right and exercise regularly. To be safe, always talk to your doctor …
Health topics
… In rare cases, this can lead to heart failure . People who exercise often and hard may have changes in their heart … feeling in your chest. Chest pain is often brought on by exercise, when the heart has to work harder. Feel dizzy or … limit your fluid intake). Be active at a safe level. Try to exercise on most, if not all, days of the week. Ask your …
Health topics
… hours a day with as few interruptions as possible. During exercise. For some people with COPD, blood oxygen levels drop only when they exercise or are very active. Using oxygen during exercise may help reduce shortness of breath for some …
Health topics
… thoughts to reduce pain Patty walks a lot, swims, and does exercises for her back. And she now sits next to her kids … keeping on that train of thought, I would say to myself, 'Exercise has helped my back before. I know it will make my … thoughts to reduce pain Patty walks a lot, swims, and does exercises for her back. And she now sits next to her kids …