883 results found
Health topics
… (BMR) , which is how much energy you burn when you are at rest. If you have a lower BMR, it is easier to gain weight. … you lose muscle as well as fat. Muscle increases your resting metabolic rate, so losing too much muscle reduces … Diabetes Educator This information does not replace the advice of a doctor. Healthwise, Incorporated disclaims any …
Health topics
… for breastfeeding by sitting in a comfortable chair with armrests. Use as many pillows as you need to support your arms … don't have to hunch. You may also want a glass of water, juice or milk on a table beside you. Some people include this … you - baby's tummy to your tummy. Your baby's head will be resting on your forearm and his back along your arm. Use …
Health topics
… and discomfort. For example, try feeding your child: Frozen ice treats. These can temporarily relieve your baby's … June 22, 2022. This information does not replace the advice of a doctor. Healthwise, Incorporated disclaims any … and discomfort. For example, try feeding your child: Frozen ice treats. These can temporarily relieve your baby's …
Health topics
… life larvae. The condition has many names, including sea lice, pika-pika, sea poisoning, sea critters, and ocean itch. … child unless you've checked with the doctor first. Use an ice pack. This can help relieve pain. Keep the rash clean. … Care Medicine This information does not replace the advice of a doctor. Healthwise, Incorporated disclaims any …
Health topics
… Severe belly, back, or chest pain. Headache. Stupor, restlessness, or shock. Severe high blood pressure. What … will increase the flow of venom into the blood. Apply ice to the bite area. Do not apply a tourniquet. It may … Severe belly, back, or chest pain. Headache. Stupor, restlessness, or shock. Severe high blood pressure. What …
Health topics
… antibiotics. They may also suggest a clear liquid diet to rest the bowel until it isn't inflamed. When infection and … Treatment includes antibiotics given in a vein (I.V.) and resting the bowel with I.V. fluids. If symptoms are severe … returned. When to Call Call 9-1-1 or other emergency services immediately if the person: Is bleeding from the anus …
Health topics
… riding, water-skiing, and scuba diving. Get plenty of rest. Go to bed earlier than usual and get up later, if you … napping makes you sleepless at night. Put your feet up and rest as often as you can during the day. Get help with housework and other duties whenever possible. Think twice about medicines. Talk to your doctor or midwife about …
Health topics
… during the night. Research shows that mothers get more rest this way. And your partner or support person can stay … to breastfeed and your baby may lose less weight. You'll rest better knowing your baby is safe. You'll give your baby …
Health topics
… the amount of oxygen in your bloodstream. Exercise safely. Rest when you feel tired. Drink plenty of fluids when you … can exercise and play normally if they: Stay hydrated. Take rest breaks. Stay warm. Being exposed to cold air, wind, and … MD - Hematology This information does not replace the advice of a doctor. Healthwise, Incorporated disclaims any …
Health topics
… that is caused by bacteria is treated with antibiotics. Rest, fluids, and medicines to reduce fever can help you … breathe into your lungs large amounts of food, gastric juices from the stomach, or vomit. (This is called aspiration … can do to feel better during your treatment. Get plenty of rest and sleep, and drink lots of liquids. Taking medicine …