883 results found
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… way, this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about them. … such as during exercise. Your symptoms go away when you rest or after you take nitroglycerin. Key points to remember … such as during exercise. Your symptoms go away when you rest or after you take nitroglycerin. Key points to remember …
Health topics
… child's digestive tract may not tolerate large amounts of juice, fruit, or even milk. Diarrhea may be caused by an increase in the amount of juice or fruit a child drinks or eats. This type of diarrhea … both sexes, you may need to go through this triage tool twice (once as "male" and once as "female"). This will make …
Health topics
… both sexes, you may need to go through this triage tool twice (once as "male" and once as "female"). This will make … may have to work very hard to breathe even when you're at rest (severe difficulty breathing). Certain health … alert or able to think clearly. You may be confused, restless, fearful, or unable to respond to questions. Shock …
Health topics
… thinking and making decisions. Memory problems. Less interest in things you have enjoyed in the past. Thoughts about … When to Call a Doctor Call 9-1-1 or other emergency services immediately if: You or someone you know is thinking … 20, 2022 Author: Healthwise Staff Medical Review: Patrice Burgess MD - Family Medicine Kathleen Romito MD - …
Health topics
… warning. There are different kinds of seizures. You may notice strange smells or sounds. You may lose control of your … head injury may go away after several years or may last the rest of your life. Focal epileptic seizures Epilepsy that … for energy instead of sugar (glucose) by increasing fat and restricting carbohydrates. The ketogenic diet can be used to …
Health topics
… blood, which may prevent enough oxygen from reaching the rest of the body. Whole blood is rarely given to treat blood … These safeguards are implemented by Canadian Blood Services, the national organization that collects and … blood, which may prevent enough oxygen from reaching the rest of the body. Whole blood is rarely given to treat blood …
Health topics
… as how to make friends. They can use these skills for the rest of their lives. Children this age also compare … with teachers and other staff members, and show your interest in what your child is learning. Also, work on skills at … talents. Help your child discover interests and practice skills. For example, kick a soccer ball around the yard …
Health topics
… both sexes, you may need to go through this triage tool twice (once as "male" and once as "female"). This will make … may have to work very hard to breathe even when you're at rest (severe difficulty breathing). Severe trouble breathing … may have to work very hard to breathe even when you're at rest (severe difficulty breathing). Severe trouble breathing …
Health topics
… even after a minor surgery. In most cases, if you get some rest and follow the instructions your surgeon gave you, you … surgery. This includes learning about your medicines, diet restrictions, wound care, and showering or bathing. You'll … both sexes, you may need to go through this triage tool twice (once as "male" and once as "female"). This will make …
Health topics
… Try to fit in an afternoon nap. Your child still needs rest. Adjust to changing nap patterns by planning quiet … resources that can help you with child care or other services you need. Call a doctor or local hospital to find out … Try to fit in an afternoon nap. Your child still needs rest. Adjust to changing nap patterns by planning quiet …