2514 results found
Health topics
… the risk of ear infections Avoid putting your toddler to bed with a bottle, this can cause of ear infections Use only … ear protection like earmuffs if your toddler must be around loud sounds, such as loud music or fireworks. Do not … in the ear) Foul odour from the ear canal Reddened skin around the ear Wax completely blocking the ear canal An …
Health topics
… On this page: Facts About Drug Use Health Risks of Drug Use Problem Drug Use Harm-Reduction Strategies … start using drugs? People tend to try new things and take risks, so they may use drugs because it seems exciting. … make sure you do it in a place where other people are around so you can get help if you need it. Don't take …
Health topics
… helpful for reducing heel pain when you first get out of bed. If you have questions about how to do these exercises … inflammation. Stretching exercises before getting out of bed Many people with plantar fasciitis have intense heel … when they take their first steps after getting out of bed. This pain comes from the tightening of the plantar …
Health topics
… overweight. Not taking anticoagulant medicine as prescribed. Having to stay in bed for more than 3 days (such as in … you to. Avoid sitting for long periods. Get up and walk around every hour or so, or flex your feet often. After an … when you travel. On long car trips, stop the car and walk around every hour or so. On the bus, plane, or train, get …
Health topics
… child prepare for the first dental examination. If you have concerns about how your child will behave, talk to your … passing bacteria from your mouth to your child. Also, avoid sharing spoons and other utensils with your child. Don't put your baby to bed with a bottle of juice, milk, formula, or other sugary …
Health topics
… Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Treatment Overview Dermabrasion is a treatment to … most often to improve the look of acne scars and fine lines around the mouth. It also may be used to treat an enlarged … Dermabrasion is not a lasting fix for these problems. Risks Common short-term side effects of dermabrasion …
Health topics
… cause a feeling of pressure, and make it hard to clean around the anus. They may also bleed or leak mucus. … more risky and has a longer recovery period. What are the risks of treatments for hemorrhoids? Most non-surgical … helped. But I still feel like I need something more. It concerns me to have rectal bleeding, although my doctor has …
Health topics
… believe that the benefits of these medicines outweigh the risks. If your child needs to take medicine, help him or her … taking it so it has time to work. If you have questions or concerns about your child's medicine, or if you don't notice … the time, and prefers to be alone. Sometimes he still jokes around with his younger brothers and is able to laugh with …
Health topics
… it. The shock from an ICD hurts briefly. It's been described as feeling like a punch in the chest. But the shock is a … but you usually do not feel those pulses. There are several risks to getting an ICD. Problems can happen during and soon … my options. 3. Use the following space to list questions, concerns, and next steps. Your Summary Here's a record of …
Health topics
… this page: Surgery Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done Risks Surgery Overview Surgical nail removal can be done for … pain. Then your doctor will use a tool to loosen the skin around the nail and separate the nail from the skin. If only … not the entire nail. This procedure is rarely needed. Risks Risks of this procedure include: Pain. Infection. You …