2513 results found
Health topics
… Taking birth control pills. Talk with your doctor about the risks and benefits before taking them. Having a baby. … help reduce stress. Get help if you need it. Discuss your concerns with your doctor or counsellor. If you are vomiting … out to your family and friends. Remember that the people around you want to support you, and asking for help isn't a …
Health topics
… lying down. For night-time symptoms, raise the head of your bed 15 to 20 centimetres. Health Tools Health Tools help you … With this, the stomach is wrapped only partway around the esophagus. A full fundoplication. With this, the stomach is wrapped all the way around the esophagus. Gastropexy is another type of surgery …
Health topics
… your social life. Do you automatically smoke when you are around someone who is smoking? Do certain people, places, or … you made to do what's best for your health so you'll be around to share the good times together for years to come. … your friends are not willing to quit, ask them not to smoke around you, offer you cigarettes, or leave cigarettes lying …
Health topics
… your risk of heart disease and osteoporosis . These risks may be higher for people who are younger when their … you may want to think about gene testing. What are the risks of having your ovaries removed? When your ovaries are … my options. 3. Use the following space to list questions, concerns, and next steps. Your Summary Here's a record of …
Health topics
… some soreness, tenderness, tingling, numbness, and itching around the incision. There may also be mild oozing and … and dry your hands. Put on medical gloves. Loosen the tape around the old bandage. Remove the old bandage. If your … some soreness, tenderness, tingling, numbness, and itching around the incision. There may also be mild oozing and …
Health topics
… between your knees. Keep a regular sleep schedule. Go to bed at the same time every night. And wake up at the same … even on weekends. Stop drinking fluids a few hours before bed. Pregnancy can make you have to urinate—a lot. If you go to bed with an empty bladder, you're less likely to have to get …
Health topics
… ways to handle the normal range of emotions, fears, and concerns that go along with raising a child with special … with family and friends. Your family and friends may have concerns about your child. To address those concerns, you can: Encourage them to learn about your …
Health topics
… to the effects of alcohol. This is because alcohol is absorbed and distributed through the body’s total water content. … and falls Age-related physical changes can make getting around more challenging. Drinking alcohol can affect your …
Health topics
… No Cut or puncture wound on nose Is there any pain in or around the nose? Yes Pain in or around nose No Pain in or … tetanus shot No May need tetanus shot Do you have any other concerns about your nose? Yes Other concerns about nose No … the machine. You may want to try using a small one in your bedroom while you sleep. Inhale steam from a vaporizer, or …
Health topics
… severe, medicines (antidepressants) will usually be prescribed first. You may want to start counselling at the same … 12 weeks to see more improvement. If you have questions or concerns about your medicines, or if you do not notice any … If you are pregnant, you and your doctor must weigh the risks of taking an SSRI against the risks of not treating …