2513 results found
Health topics
… they may decide what to wear, what to eat, or when to go to bed. Simplify. If you're caring for someone who has mild … homes. These are private homes where older adults receive around-the-clock personal care, supervision, and meals. Some … These groups give you a chance to discuss problems or concerns about caregiving with other caregivers. Federal, …
Health topics
… of thinking may limit their ability to assess situations, risks, and future consequences. As a result, they may engage … of thinking may limit their ability to assess situations, risks, and future consequences. As a result, they may engage …
Health topics
… club soda. When you drink, check your blood sugar before bed. Have a snack before bed so your blood sugar does not drop during sleep. When not … club soda. When you drink, check your blood sugar before bed. Have a snack before bed so your blood sugar does not …
Health topics
… to care for yourself and your family. Manage your fears and concerns and those of other family members. Sometimes … aren't included, they may develop unrealistic fears and concerns. Seek counselling if needed. Consider family … to care for yourself and your family. Manage your fears and concerns and those of other family members. Sometimes …
Health topics
… care can be done when you are bathing or getting ready for bed. How do you care for your feet? When you have diabetes, … have someone else trim your nails to avoid cutting the skin around them. Wear shoes and socks that fit well and support … for several days. Look for shoes that have plenty of space around the toes. This helps prevent bunions and blisters. …
Health topics
… Keep your pet outside of the house or at least out of your bedroom. Keep your pet in areas of the home that have hard … need to remove items that the pet slept on or was often around. Allergic Rhinitis Allergies: … need to remove items that the pet slept on or was often around. Allergic Rhinitis Allergies: …
Health topics
… bath, can be a safe choice for a person who can't move around or walk much. And it's a good time to check their … want help. Caregiving: How to Give a Bed Bath Caregiving: How to Help With a Shower Caregiving: … bath, can be a safe choice for a person who can't move around or walk much. And it's a good time to check their …
Health topics
… tea, some soft drinks), especially 4 to 6 hours before bedtime. Don't use tobacco, especially near bedtime or if you wake up during the night. Nicotine is a … sunlight in the outdoors, especially in late afternoon. At bedtime Avoid heavy meals close to bedtime. A light snack …
Health topics
… caused by your illness, you may choose CPR. What are the risks of CPR and life support? CPR doesn't always work to … is usually involved? What are the benefits? What are the risks and side effects? Choose to have CPR and life support … my options. 3. Use the following space to list questions, concerns, and next steps. Your Summary Here's a record of …
Health topics
… some things you can expect. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your doctor. The more you know, the better … use the toilet. Later, you may need help turning over in bed. As death nears, you may sleep more and may be harder to … some things you can expect. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your doctor. The more you know, the better …