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Health topics
… Overview What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview The goal of surgery for … all of the cancer and a border of normal tissue (margin) around it. The type of surgery depends on the location and … a shorter hospital stay, and a faster recovery. footnote 1 Risks Lung surgery risks include: Bleeding. Infection. An …
Health topics
… pregnancy (for example, a twin or triplet). Put down to bed on their stomach or side. In a bed on a soft surface or with loose blankets or pillows. Sharing a bed with parents, siblings, or pets. Dressed too …
Health topics
… . You may dislodge an artificial nail from the nail bed by bumping it or catching it. Infection can develop in … nails. You may develop itching, redness, and swelling around the nail. The reaction may cause the natural nail to … several days to see whether redness, itching, pain, or rash around or under the nail or separation of the nail from the …
Health topics
… method, because it does not require surgery. What are the risks of lithotripsy? Risks of lithotripsy include: Pain … with a ureteroscope. Urinary tract infection . Bleeding around the outside of the kidney. What are the risks of not … my options. 3. Use the following space to list questions, concerns, and next steps. Your Summary Here's a record of …
Health topics
… and Tests Treatment Overview Prevention Ongoing Concerns Living With COPD Medicines Surgery Other Treatment … important risk factor for COPD. Compared to smoking, other risks are minor. Pipe and cigar smokers have less risk of … 10 steps without running out of breath. Now I walk an hour around my neighbourhood every day—without needing my oxygen. …
Health topics
… child's risk Second-hand cigarette smoke. Children who are around second-hand cigarette smoke are at increased risk for … having a pet in the home may make his or her asthma worse. Risks for very bad asthma attacks Your child may be at … meter. Asthma: Measuring Peak Flow Get help for special concerns Special things to think about in treating asthma …
Health topics
… my treatment options? Describe them briefly: What other concerns do I have? Stop here. By the end of your … will be done and what to do to prepare for it What are the risks and benefits of medicine, surgery, or other treatment? … are the chances that the treatment will work? What are the risks associated with the treatment? What might happen if I …
Health topics
… over-the-counter medicines also may lead to insomnia. Your bedtime habits may also affect insomnia. Examples include … toes, ankles, knees, and hips. Moving the legs or walking around usually relieves the discomfort for a short time. The … Call your doctor if symptoms get worse or you have any concerns (for example, if symptoms are not getting better as …
Health topics
… when a fungus attacks your fingernail, toenail, or nail bed. Fungi can attack your nails through small cuts in the skin around the nail or through the opening between the nail and … from walking barefoot in public showers or pools or by sharing personal items, such as towels and nail clippers. If …
Health topics
… otoscope to diagnose or treat ear problems. If you have concerns about an ear problem, go to your doctor for an ear … ear gently up and back. This straightens the ear canal. Risks of a home ear examination The pointed end of the … ear gently up and back. This straightens the ear canal. Risks of a home ear examination The pointed end of the …