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3925 results found
Health topics
… can begin healing by walking or bearing some weight, while using crutches if needed, if you can do so without too much … and scrunch the towel toward you with your toes. Then, also using your toes, push the towel away from you. Make this … then relax. After you feel comfortable with this, try using rubber tubing looped around the outside of your feet …
Health topics
… water compress or a cool bath. Don't scratch the area. Try using a vaginal lubricant, such as Astroglide or K-Y Jelly, … water compress or a cool bath. Don't scratch the area. Try using a vaginal lubricant, such as Astroglide or K-Y Jelly, …
Health topics
… hypercortisolism. What causes it? The most common cause is using corticosteroid medicines , such as prednisone, for a … find out from these examinations if steroid medicine is causing the problem. If you don't take steroid medicine or your doctor thinks something other than medicine is causing your symptoms, you may have tests, such as: Tests to …
Health topics
… doctor may do tests to check for a disease that could be causing your hair loss. Tests include: Hair analysis. Your … doctor may do tests to check for a disease that could be causing your hair loss. Tests include: Hair analysis. Your …
Health topics
… be used before or after surgery. Radiation may be given by using a machine outside the body (external radiation). Or it … like to try. And let your doctor know if you are already using any complementary therapies. They are not meant to … be used before or after surgery. Radiation may be given by using a machine outside the body (external radiation). Or it …