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1392 results found
Health topics
… aspects of a child's life. Learning, adjusting to change, sleeping, and making friends are all areas where children … aspects of a child's life. Learning, adjusting to change, sleeping, and making friends are all areas where children …
Health topics
… is the medicine you get before your surgery to make you sleep or feel relaxed and help with pain. Whether you take … is the medicine you get before your surgery to make you sleep or feel relaxed and help with pain. Whether you take …
Health topics
… taking these steps. Use two or more pillows at night. Avoid sleeping on your side with the ear that's causing the … taking these steps. Use two or more pillows at night. Avoid sleeping on your side with the ear that's causing the …
Health topics
… other types of treatment for problems like hot flashes and sleep problems. What are symptoms of heart attack and … other types of treatment for problems like hot flashes and sleep problems. What are symptoms of heart attack and …
Health topics
… may also come home very hungry from having missed lunch. Sleep poorly and develop frequent headaches, stomach aches, … may also come home very hungry from having missed lunch. Sleep poorly and develop frequent headaches, stomach aches, …
Health topics
… side effects include: Increased blood pressure. Headache. Sleep problems. Unpleasant changes in bowel habits. Unless … side effects include: Increased blood pressure. Headache. Sleep problems. Unpleasant changes in bowel habits. Unless … side effects include: Increased blood pressure. Headache. Sleep problems. Unpleasant changes in bowel habits. Unless …
Health topics
… do it when you travel. You may be able to do it while you sleep. You can do it by yourself. It doesn't require as many … do it when you travel. You may be able to do it while you sleep. You can do it by yourself. It doesn't require as many … do it when you travel. You may be able to do it while you sleep. You can do it by yourself. It doesn't require as many …
Health topics
… some time later. General anesthesia is usually used, so you sleep during the operation. The cost of reconstruction is … some time later. General anesthesia is usually used, so you sleep during the operation. The cost of reconstruction is … some time later. General anesthesia is usually used, so you sleep during the operation. The cost of reconstruction is …
Health topics