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Health topics
… or workplace may ask you to be tested. You want to make it safer to be around other people. For example, you may need a … or workplace may ask you to be tested. You want to make it safer to be around other people. For example, you may need a …
Health topics
… is usually done soon after birth. When should a baby not be circumcised? If you don't want your baby to be … after circumcision. Your baby may be fussy and have trouble sleeping for the first few days. He may feel some pain for a … days but can continue for up to 2 weeks. Your baby may not sleep well and will be fussy for a few days after surgery. …
Health topics
… your risk of illness: Food safety: Easy ways to make food safer (HealthLinkBC File #59a) Food safety for vulnerable … like wildfires, floods, storms or earthquakes: Feeding your baby in emergencies (HealthLinkBC File #69g) Emergency …
Health topics
… They may pull at their ears and cry. They may have trouble sleeping. They may also have a fever. How are they … to wash their hands. Make sure your child doesn't go to sleep while sucking on a bottle. And have your child … your hair and clothes can affect the child. Breastfeed your baby. There is some evidence that breastfeeding helps reduce …
Health topics
… Children Sibling Rivalry: Reducing Conflict and Jealousy Sleep: Helping Your Children—and Yourself—Sleep Well What to Expect A lot of changes occur during a baby's first year. Here are some of the things that may …
Health topics
… an asthma attack, it can make it harder to breathe, and the baby may get less oxygen. But when asthma is well … during pregnancy? If you're pregnant and have asthma, it's safer to be treated with asthma medicines than to have … during pregnancy? If you're pregnant and have asthma, it's safer to be treated with asthma medicines than to have …
Health topics
… types of depression medicines are less likely to harm your baby than others. More research is needed before doctors can … or loss of appetite. Diarrhea. Feeling anxious or on edge. Sleep problems or drowsiness. Loss of sexual desire. … is needed, some types of antidepressants are considered safer for the baby than others. 3. 3, If I was taking …
Health topics
… A parent's arms are not strong enough to hold and protect a baby during a crash. Many children who are not restrained … Your child should still ride in the back seat because it's safer there. Proper positioning Children under the age of 13 … Your child should still ride in the back seat because it's safer there. Proper positioning Children under the age of 13 …
Health topics
… What is flat head syndrome? Flat head syndrome means that a baby's head is flat in the back or on one side. Most often, … can also be affected by the birth process or by the baby's sleep position. Flat head syndrome has become more common since doctors began advising that babies sleep on their back to lower the risk of sudden infant death …
Health topics
… a Good Feed Last updated October 11, 2019 Signs that your baby is feeding well If you are wondering how to tell if your baby is getting enough breast milk, here are some things to … milk. Your baby is gaining weight (you'll notice the baby's sleepers are starting to get tight!) The best way to produce …