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1392 results found
Health topics
… It can be hard to know if a medicine is safe for your baby. Most medicines are not studied in pregnant women. … medicines is low, but acetaminophen (such as Tylenol) is a safer choice. Folic acid Folic acid is a B vitamin. Taking … medicines is low, but acetaminophen (such as Tylenol) is a safer choice. Folic acid Folic acid is a B vitamin. Taking …
Health topics
… Overview Weaning is the process of switching your baby from breastfeeding to bottle-feeding, or from a breast … older than 6 to 8 months of age. Your baby has changed from sleeping through the night to waking up during the night … older than 6 to 8 months of age. Your baby has changed from sleeping through the night to waking up during the night …
Health topics
… Having seizures during pregnancy can also harm the baby. And pregnancy causes changes in your body that may … These changes may include: Switching to a medicine that is safer for the baby. Taking a single medicine. Changing the … These changes may include: Switching to a medicine that is safer for the baby. Taking a single medicine. Changing the …
Health topics
… Child Older Than 1 Year Person Faints Choking While Alone Baby (Younger Than 1 Year) Overview A … the back of a chair and press hard to pop out the object. Baby (Younger Than 1 Year) If the baby can cough or make sounds, let the baby cough to try to …
Health topics
… Overview If you are biking with a baby or young child, the following suggestions can help you … lap belt, and a high back. A child should be able to fall asleep and be well supported. Put a helmet on your child even … a bike. Riding tricycles safely Help make riding tricycles safer by following these tips. Don't put your child on a …
Health topics
… Overview A diary for colic shows the baby's daily activities and the amount of time spent in each … were used? Was the baby being held when the crying began? Sleeping periods. Was the baby sleeping alone or in the caregiver's arms? Awake times. Was …
Health topics
… drugs can be harmful for you and for your developing baby during pregnancy. Using street drugs when you’re … preterm delivery. You may also eat poorly, not get enough sleep, and be at risk for diseases such as hepatitis and … experience withdrawal symptoms, or have their feeding and sleeping patterns affected. Your health care provider can …
Health topics
… You may have trouble caring for and bonding with your baby. Postpartum depression is not the "baby blues," which … losing pleasure in life. Other symptoms may include trouble sleeping or poor appetite. Symptoms can happen in the first … try to eat well, get exercise every day, and get as much sleep as possible. Get support from family and friends if …
Health topics
… rubber (aspirating) bulb can be used to remove mucus from a baby's nose or mouth when a cold or allergies make it hard for the baby to eat or sleep. It is best to use the rubber bulb to clean the baby's nose before feedings and before the baby goes to sleep. To use a rubber bulb correctly, follow these steps. …
Health topics
… fix any that are loose, broken, or uneven. Making the home safer for someone with dementia If you are caring for … fix any that are loose, broken, or uneven. Making the home safer for someone with dementia If you are caring for …