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Health topics
… a little more pregnant on the outside. And inside, your baby is starting to look more human and may even have sprouted a little bit of hair. Wondering what your baby looks like at 16 weeks? Your baby is now about the size of an avocado. Average baby
Health topics
… of pregnancy that may affect the mother's organs or the baby. Severe pre-eclampsia can lead to dangerous seizures … (eclampsia). Pre-eclampsia usually goes away after the baby is delivered. But symptoms may last a few weeks or more … be carefully checked for the rest of your pregnancy. Your baby's health also will be closely watched. The more severe …
Health topics
… Changes in feet and ankles Pregnancy: Varicose veins Sleep problems during pregnancy Vaginal discharge is normal … lifestyle changes. Feeling anxious about the changes a new baby will bring is common. These changes are normal and … and what to expect for each stage of your pregnancy. Baby's Best Chance The Baby’s Best Chance handbook and …
Health topics
… Breastfeeding helps build the bond between you and your baby. It gives your baby excellent health benefits. A … breast milk to your baby. It may cause fussiness and sleep problems. Talk to your doctor about how much caffeine … breast milk to your baby. It may cause fussiness and sleep problems. Talk to your doctor about how much caffeine …
Health topics
… pain than older children who can talk about their pain. A baby may be fussy, draw his or her legs up toward the belly, … is very sick (limp and not responsive) Sick Baby is sick (sleepier than usual, not eating or drinking like usual) Do … up. A baby that is sick (but not extremely sick): May be sleepier than usual. May not eat or drink as much as usual. …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview Protecting your baby Each new learning stage for your baby requires you to pay more attention to prevent an injury. It may surprise you how fast your baby can move from one stage to the next. Being aware of …
Health topics
… Yes Recent head injury No Recent head injury Does your baby seem sick? A sick baby probably will not be acting … is very sick (limp and not responsive) Sick Baby is sick (sleepier than usual, not eating or drinking like usual) Do … pain (8 to 10) : The pain is so bad that the baby cannot sleep, cannot get comfortable, and cries constantly no …
Health topics
… of two reasons: Essential: You need to pump because your baby cannot breastfeed or cannot breastfeed well enough. … Examples include preterm or sick babies or when mother and baby are separated. Optional: You choose to pump because you wants some additional milk 'just in case', because your baby will miss a feeding or you'll be away from your baby
Health topics
… in diet A child may get diarrhea from a diet change. A baby's or child's digestive tract may not tolerate large … is very sick (limp and not responsive) Sick Baby is sick (sleepier than usual, not eating or drinking like usual) Do … fussy or cranky (mild dehydration), or the baby may be very sleepy and hard to wake up (severe dehydration). The baby
Health topics
… will often ease your child's discomfort. Vomiting in a baby should not be confused with spitting up. Vomiting is … is very sick (limp and not responsive) Sick Baby is sick (sleepier than usual, not eating or drinking like usual) Do … fussy or cranky (mild dehydration), or the baby may be very sleepy and hard to wake up (severe dehydration). The baby