1392 results found
Health topics
… 10 is the worst pain you can imagine? Signs of pain in a baby or toddler are different than signs of pain in an older … pain (8 to 10) : The pain is so bad that the baby cannot sleep, cannot get comfortable, and cries constantly no … is very fussy, clings to you a lot, and may have trouble sleeping but responds when you try to comfort him or her. …
Health topics
… In recent years, improved techniques have made liposuction safer, easier, and less painful. Liposuction is usually done … may not require general anesthesia (which makes you sleep through the procedure). Ultrasound-assisted … In recent years, improved techniques have made liposuction safer, easier, and less painful. Liposuction is usually done …
Health topics
… who are also quitting or who do not smoke. Changing your sleep habits Here are some things you can try. Raise the … stomach acid from flowing into your esophagus when you are sleeping. You can do this by putting blocks underneath your … who are also quitting or who do not smoke. Changing your sleep habits Here are some things you can try. Raise the …
Health topics
… don't take anything unless you know it's safe for your baby. Some medications - including common pain relievers … not be safe for breastfeeding parents. Codeine can put the baby at risk of side effects such as lethargy, slowed …
Health topics
… you take can affect your sense of balance. Make your home safer. Do not use throw rugs. Try using non-skid mats. … you take can affect your sense of balance. Make your home safer. Do not use throw rugs. Try using non-skid mats. …
Health topics
… I become pregnant? How will the medicine affect me and my baby? All medicines for epilepsy have some risk of birth … needs to be carefully compared to other risks to the baby if the mother stops taking her epilepsy medicine. If … medicine, and having seizures during pregnancy can harm the baby. Dealing With Medicine Side Effects …
Health topics
… 10 is the worst pain you can imagine? Signs of pain in a baby or toddler are different than signs of pain in an older … that you can't stand it for more than a few hours, can't sleep, and can't do anything else except focus on the pain. … is bad enough to disrupt your normal activities and your sleep, but you can tolerate it for hours or days. Moderate …
Health topics
… 10 is the worst pain you can imagine? Signs of pain in a baby or toddler are different than signs of pain in an older … that you can't stand it for more than a few hours, can't sleep, and can't do anything else except focus on the pain. … is bad enough to disrupt your normal activities and your sleep, but you can tolerate it for hours or days. Moderate …
Health topics
… such as abusive head trauma . This is also known as shaken baby syndrome. Anyone with a head injury should be watched, … include: Passing out (losing consciousness). Being very sleepy or hard to wake up. Not responding when being touched … 15 to 20 minutes at a time. And don't let your child fall asleep with the ice on their skin. Check for other injuries. …
Health topics
… while you're pregnant, you can pass syphilis to your baby. Learn more Congenital Syphilis Symptoms Syphilis … tell you when to have testing done. Learn more Handwashing Safer Sex Using Antibiotics Wisely … tell you when to have testing done. Learn more Handwashing Safer Sex Using Antibiotics Wisely …