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… it? Doctors don't know what all of the causes are. But your baby may be more likely to have a cleft lip if: You use … radiation or infections while you're pregnant. You or your baby's father have a family history of cleft lip. It's … of yourself before and during your pregnancy so that your baby will be as healthy as possible. People who have a …
Health topics
… third trimester lasts from week 28 until the birth of your baby: Normal pregnancy: Third trimester Fetal development Your baby continues to develop in the third trimester and … for the birthing process. Learn more about how your baby is developing and what to expect: Fetal development at …
Health topics
… oversupply happens when a mother makes more milk than her baby uses. It is sometimes called overabundant milk supply … your breasts are emptied. So the more often you feed your baby and empty your breasts, the more milk your body … What are the symptoms of oversupply? In babies Your baby's symptoms may include: Crying during feeding. Refusing …
Health topics
… may change. Place and people I would like to deliver my baby: __ In a hospital: … phone number). __ At home. I would like my baby to be delivered by: __ My family doctor: … using a mirror. After the birth, I'd like to: __ Hold my baby right away, before any procedures that are not urgent. …
Health topics
… before pregnancy. It usually doesn't go away after the baby is born. Gestational hypertension. This is high blood … second or third trimester. It usually goes away after the baby is born. High blood pressure during pregnancy may keep the baby from getting enough nutrients and oxygen. This could …
Health topics
… when he or she almost reaches it. Play pat-a-cake with your baby. Place your baby's legs so that they are touching when you are carrying … and slap his or her hands on the table at times. Guide your baby in playful exercises, which helps him or her learn to …
Health topics
… would not. A woman may try relactation when she: Adopts a baby and has breastfed before. Stopped breastfeeding her baby and now has changed her mind and wants to resume … are more likely to produce milk if you have ever carried a baby to term and breastfed before. This is because the milk …
Health topics
… a family. You can have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby if you have schizophrenia. But there are some things to … pregnancy and when you are first taking care of your new baby. It's best to talk with your pregnancy doctor ( family … if the medicine you take for schizophrenia will harm your baby. Talk to your doctor about this. You may be taking …
Health topics
… reaches full dilation and ends with the birth of your baby. You can expect strong contractions and an urge to … for more details. Third stage You’ve now delivered your baby and have entered into the third stage of labour. In … A health care provider will check and confirm that your baby is healthy. You’ll be able to cuddle your baby See …
Health topics
… and language lessons start in the uterus. Your developing baby hears and responds to familiar voices. Soon after birth, your baby prefers and responds more to the mother's voice than to … as the "tr" and "cl" sounds in the English language. Your baby remembers sounds and continually learns more nuances of …