1392 results found
Health topics
… helps you to: Feel good about yourself and life in general Sleep better Move around with less effort (e.g., walking or …
Health topics
… pain, anxiety, fatigue, hot flashes, neuropathy, or sleep problems. Risks In general, acupuncture is safe when … pain, anxiety, fatigue, hot flashes, neuropathy, or sleep problems. Risks In general, acupuncture is safe when …
Health topics
… your child back in bed with the humidifier blowing nearby. Sleep in your child's room for the rest of the night. Offer … your child back in bed with the humidifier blowing nearby. Sleep in your child's room for the rest of the night. Offer …
Health topics
… may include: Irritability. Depression . Changes in sleep patterns. Twitching of muscles or jerking movements of … may include: Irritability. Depression . Changes in sleep patterns. Twitching of muscles or jerking movements of …
Health topics
… tension headaches, incontinence, recovery after a stroke, sleep disorders, and stress. Using it may also help control … tension headaches, incontinence, recovery after a stroke, sleep disorders, and stress. Using it may also help control …
Health topics
… if you continue to struggle with stress Getting enough sleep Eating healthy foods Not all positive coping responses … if you continue to struggle with stress Getting enough sleep Eating healthy foods Not all positive coping responses …
Health topics
… Take care of yourself, eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly. Sun. Avoid the midday sun, … Take care of yourself, eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly. Sun. Avoid the midday sun, …
Health topics
… any of the following areas? If yes, describe the problem. Sleeping Eating Bowel or bladder Speech and language Hearing … any of the following areas? If yes, describe the problem. Sleeping Eating Bowel or bladder Speech and language Hearing …
Health topics
… hips, under your belly. It can help stabilize your hips. Sleep with a pillow between your knees. This may help … hips, under your belly. It can help stabilize your hips. Sleep with a pillow between your knees. This may help …
Health topics
… detectors. Install them on each level of your home and near sleeping areas. Follow the directions carefully for … detectors. Install them on each level of your home and near sleeping areas. Follow the directions carefully for …