1392 results found
Health topics
… (such as amitriptyline or imipramine) may help people sleep and cope with pain and depression. Pancreatic enzyme … (such as amitriptyline or imipramine) may help people sleep and cope with pain and depression. Pancreatic enzyme …
Health topics
… feel like eating more or less than usual almost every day. Sleep too much or not enough almost every day. Feel restless … feel like eating more or less than usual almost every day. Sleep too much or not enough almost every day. Feel restless …
Health topics
… They can cause nausea and vomiting and severe pain. A baby with a strangulated hernia may cry and refuse to eat. … They can cause nausea and vomiting and severe pain. A baby with a strangulated hernia may cry and refuse to eat. …
Health topics
… within the first 2 to 3 years of life. It can happen if the baby doesn't get enough blood, oxygen, or other nutrients … problems , infections, or health problems in the mother or baby. Problems related to labour and delivery may also be a … the risk that a brain injury will occur in a developing baby. Here are some tips for healthy habits before and …
Health topics
… seem to prevent allergies. If your doctor thinks your baby might be at risk for a peanut allergy, ask him or her … certain foods during your pregnancy as a way to prevent the baby from having food allergies. footnote 2 Canadian experts … and redness. Skin reactions are common in children. If your baby has atopic dermatitis , you may help prevent peanut …
Health topics
… ease stress. It can also relieve anxiety, depression, and sleep problems. Try one or more of the following techniques … anxiety and muscle tension. If you have trouble falling asleep, this method may also help with sleep problems. Yoga includes breathing, meditation, and …
Health topics
… pregnant, tell the doctor or midwife who will deliver your baby about your illness. Be sure your baby gets medicine to prevent infection. This should start … pregnant, tell the doctor or midwife who will deliver your baby about your illness. Be sure your baby gets medicine to …
Health topics
… pregnant person who is exposed to lead can pass it to their baby (fetus). Lead can also be passed to a baby through breast milk. Children Children should be … a facility such as a home daycare centre or the home of a babysitter or relative. Does your child have a sibling or …
Health topics
… Rh-negative blood. You may have Rh-negative blood, and your baby may have Rh-positive blood. If the two types of blood … shot around 28 weeks of pregnancy. After the birth, your baby's blood is tested. If the blood is Rh positive, you … Rh-negative blood. You may have Rh-negative blood, and your baby may have Rh-positive blood. If the two types of blood …
Health topics
… or in the abdomen. These organs can't hold the growing baby. Pain develops when the baby grows and the organ is not able to stretch bigger. … or in the abdomen. These organs can't hold the growing baby. Pain develops when the baby grows and the organ is not …