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Health topics
… it. Over-the-counter products Do not use teething gels for children younger than age 2 footnote 1 . Ask your doctor before using mouth-numbing medicine for children older than age 2. The Health Canada warns that some … Canada (2020). Benzocaine products should not be used in children under two years of age. …
Health topics
… than a week or so. Hand-foot-and-mouth disease is common in children but can also occur in adults. It can occur at any … they are very mild. Parents may get the disease from their children and not even realize it. How is it diagnosed? A … medicines. Read and follow all instructions on the label. Children are most likely to spread the disease during the …
Health topics
… a physiotherapist or parent for infants or toddlers. Older children can do these exercises themselves. This type of … part of your child's ability to exercise effectively. Children must do these exercises themselves. There are two … exercises can help regain or improve muscle strength. When children with JIA have less active disease, they should be …
Health topics
… about surgery to remove the tonsils, not the adenoids. For children, a general anesthetic is always used. It makes the … Should My Child Have a Tonsillectomy? How Well It Works Children who have their tonsils removed for repeated throat … for a few years after surgery. But over time, many children who do not have surgery also have fewer throat …
Health topics
… ducts. Ulcerative colitis can also cause growth problems in children. Affected children may not grow as quickly or as tall as their peers. Children with ulcerative colitis need attention to their …
Health topics
… The vaccine is part of the MMR and MMRV vaccines. Most children get the vaccine as part of their regular shots. … body. When adults get measles, they usually feel worse than children who get it. It usually takes about 7 to 14 days to … worry that vaccines cause autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in children. But many studies have been done, and no link has …
Health topics
… is usually worse at night. Tiny bumps, blisters, or sores . Children tend to have worse skin reactions than adults. … the breasts. On the scrotum and penis. In babies and small children, itching and skin irritation may also occur on the … body from the neck down to the toes. With infants and young children, apply the cream or lotion to the head and neck, …
Health topics
… your area. Keep the appropriate supplies on hand. If small children are around, keep your supplies out of reach or … puts out hot steam. A cool-mist humidifier is better for children. The mist from a humidifier may be more comfortable … they are particularly helpful for people who have young children. The tube shape and large lip get most of the …
Health topics
… vaccine. For example, 1 child in a group of 20 unvaccinated children may die from diphtheria disease. But only 1 child in a group of 14,000 vaccinated children may have side effects after getting the DTaP … at a time is not dangerous. Some parents worry about their children getting several vaccines at the same time. They …
Health topics
… in spurts but progresses at an overall steady pace. Most children gain an average of 3 kg (7 lb) and 6 cm (2 in.) … dramatic signs of physical development for this age group. Children lose and replace about four baby teeth a year … in spurts but progresses at an overall steady pace. Most children gain an average of 3 kg (7 lb) and 6 cm (2 in.) …