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Health topics
… valve may be mechanical or made of animal tissue. You and your doctor can decide before surgery which type of valve is … to keep blood flowing in the proper direction through your heart. When the mitral valve does not close properly, … surgery, the doctor will make a cut in the skin over your breastbone (sternum). This cut is called an incision. …
Health topics
… his or her diabetes care. A diabetes care plan will help your child's teachers and other school staff know when and how to help manage your child's diabetes. For example, if your child needs to eat shortly after taking insulin or to …
Health topics
… is a measure of how hard blood pushes against the walls of your arteries as it moves through your body. Low blood pressure means that your blood pressure is lower than normal. It's also called …
Health topics
… 2021 Overview Physical activity plays an important role in your health, quality of life and degree of independence. If … Being physically active also helps you to: Feel good about yourself and life in general Sleep better Move around with … effort (e.g., walking or wheeling, getting in and out of your bathtub, car, bed, wheelchair, etc.) Improve your
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview If your child has a barking cough: Hold your child in a calming manner. Keep your child quiet, if possible. Crying can make breathing …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview If you've had surgery to your back or belly, an injury to your trunk, or pain in your back, then you know that bending and twisting can cause …
Health topics
… breaths. Breathing this way makes it harder to get air into your lungs. Learning new ways to slow down and control your breathing may help. You may feel better and be able to … you can breathe better. You can try two ways to control your breathing. They are pursed-lip breathing and …
Health topics
… pregnancy for 2.5 to 10 years, depending on the type. Your doctor will remove your IUD after this time or if you have a medical problem. It's always your choice to have the IUD removed at any time for any …
Health topics
… incentive spirometer is a hand-held device that exercises your lungs and measures how much air you can breathe in. It tells you and your doctor how well your lungs are working. The spirometer can help you practice …
Health topics
… during pregnancy. It gives the baby food and oxygen from your body. In a normal pregnancy, the placenta stays firmly … can be very harmful. In rare cases, it can be deadly. Your baby may be born too early ( premature ) or at a low … quickly. This means you are likely to have a C-section (caesarean delivery) . If you have lost a lot of blood, you may …