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Health topics
… and mothers with babies. These feelings are normal. If your baby is stillborn, or dies near birth, you will have the opportunity to see and hold your baby. If you feel comfortable, take pictures of the baby alone or cuddled with you and your partner. Talk with your baby and say goodbye. Take your
Health topics
… Information Overview A birth plan lets you write down your vision of an ideal birth and share it with your support person, the hospital or birth centre, and your doctor or midwife. Your birth may not go as planned. …
Health topics
… visit in the second trimester, you'll be weighed and your blood pressure will be checked. Your urine may be checked for bacteria, protein, or sugar. Your doctor or midwife will listen to your baby's heartbeat …
Health topics
… 4, 2024 Overview There’s lots to learn as you get to know your new baby. Find advice on how to provide the care your baby needs for a healthy start. Premature infants If your baby is born more than 3 weeks early, he or she is …
Health topics
… Overview Here are some ways you can help comfort your child who has a respiratory illness (such as … respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection or a cold): Ask your doctor if your child can take acetaminophen or ibuprofen to help …
Health topics
… battery-powered device. It sends mild electrical signals to your heart. This keeps the heart beating normally. These … it may help if you learn about how the pacemaker helps your heart. Talk to your doctor if you have concerns. How is it put in place? …
Health topics
… to an office or spend time in a waiting room. You can use your own device in your own home, which may help you feel more comfortable. … these steps to get started. Find a therapist. Check with your provider. Your provincial health plan website may have …
Health topics
… SLAP tear? A SLAP tear is a specific kind of injury to your shoulder. To help make your shoulder more stable, there is a ring of firm tissue, called the labrum, around your shoulder socket. The labrum (say "LAY-brum") helps keep …
Health topics
… open the valve so that air can go around the blockage in your throat and into your lungs while you sleep. Tracheostomy almost always cures … will need to go home with the trach tube still in place. Your neck may be sore and you may have trouble swallowing …
Health topics
… general. So be sure to read the information that came with your medicine. If you have any questions or concerns, talk to your pharmacist or doctor. What are some examples? Here are … If you're having problems with side effects, talk to your doctor. Your doctor may be able to lower your dose or …