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3918 results found
Health topics
… Doctors do not recommend that you bank cord blood on the slight chance that your baby will need stem cells someday. If … do not recommend that you privately bank cord blood on the slight chance that your baby will have a disease that could … do not recommend that you privately bank cord blood on the slight chance that your baby will have a disease that could …
Health topics
… tear treated? Treatment may include resting your knee, using ice on it, wrapping it with an elastic bandage, and propping it up on pillows. It may also include physiotherapy and surgery. Your treatment depends on the type of … are: Treatment without surgery. This includes resting, using ice, wrapping the knee in an elastic bandage, propping …
Health topics
… better able to stand up to peer pressure so they can avoid using drugs, drinking alcohol, and smoking. Are better able … better able to stand up to peer pressure so they can avoid using drugs, drinking alcohol, and smoking. Are better able …
Health topics
Health topics
… the dentist often combines bleach with a laser or light to speed up the process. A visit usually takes from 30 … fits your budget. Teeth can become sensitive when you are using the bleaching solution. But this sensitivity usually … again. Some lifestyle choices, such as drinking coffee or using tobacco, will speed up how fast your teeth lose their …
Health topics
… On this page: Many families enjoy using TV, computers, game systems, smartphones, and tablets. … can distract children from going to sleep on time. The blue light from screens interferes with sound sleep. And violent … . Learn how we develop our content . … Many families enjoy using TV, computers, game systems, smartphones, and tablets. …
Health topics
… dry chickenpox blisters. But talk to your doctor before using lotions that contain antihistamines. You could try … socks on his or her hands to prevent scratching. Or use light bandages over open blisters. Wash the child's hands … of sunlight. A child can play outside in the shade. Avoid using antihistamine lotions. You may accidentally apply too …
Health topics
… involuntary movements. Before surgery, detailed brain scans using a CT scan or an MRI are done to find the precise … involuntary movements. Before surgery, detailed brain scans using a CT scan or an MRI are done to find the precise …
Health topics
… Use creek or stream water if you are outdoors. Consider using special products. Products like Tecnu and Zanfel can … Use creek or stream water if you are outdoors. Consider using special products. Products like Tecnu and Zanfel can …