3918 results found
Health topics
… (STI)? Have unprotected vaginal, anal, or oral sex (not using condoms or not using them correctly). Are a man (or were assigned male at … 25. Have a current STI or a history of STIs. Have sex while using alcohol or drugs. Trade sex for drugs or money. …
Health topics
… to them? How long does it take for a resident's call lights to be answered? Do you see staff members helping … make sure that it doesn't hire people with a history of abusing others? How will you pay for it? How much does the … make sure that it doesn't hire people with a history of abusing others? How will you pay for it? How much does the …
Health topics
… your body. One type may only involve your skin, causing hives or deeper skin swelling (a cutaneous reaction), … of allergy shots on a faster schedule, called "rush immunotherapy." For this you get allergy shots every few hours on … sting are low. I was stung in the past, but I had only a slight skin reaction. True That's right. Only about 4 to 10 …
Health topics
… a brain tumour. I have had surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, but my tumour has reappeared. My family and I have … a brain tumour. I have had surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, but my tumour has reappeared. My family and I have … a brain tumour. I have had surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, but my tumour has reappeared. My family and I have …
Health topics
… As the anemia gets worse, you may: Feel weak, tired, and light-headed. Have pale skin. Have a sore, red tongue or … As the anemia gets worse, you may: Feel weak, tired, and light-headed. Have pale skin. Have a sore, red tongue or …
Health topics
… brain and other vital organs. These symptoms may include light-headedness, fatigue, and low urine output. If the … brain and other vital organs. These symptoms may include light-headedness, fatigue, and low urine output. If the …
Health topics
… want to avoid serving fresh or frozen tuna (not canned "light" tuna), shark, swordfish, marlin, orange roughy, and … want to avoid serving fresh or frozen tuna (not canned "light" tuna), shark, swordfish, marlin, orange roughy, and …
Health topics
… sex. Urinate immediately after sexual intercourse. Avoid using condoms coated with spermicide or a diaphragm for … the urine less concentrated and wash out the infection-causing bacteria. This may alter some of your body's normal … Never go to sleep with a heating pad in place. Learn more Using Antibiotics Wisely Benign …
Health topics
… jaw, or upper belly, or in one or both shoulders or arms. Light-headedness or sudden weakness. A fast or irregular … to wonder what you want. And you can spend your time focusing on your relationships. You will need to decide if you … to form. These clots block blood flow to your heart, causing a heart attack or unstable angina . Complications of …
Health topics