3918 results found
Health topics
… pessary to hold the pelvic organs in position without causing discomfort. Pessaries come in different sizes and … pessary to hold the pelvic organs in position without causing discomfort. Pessaries come in different sizes and …
Health topics
… than clean hands and clean, exposed parts of your arms. Using the bathroom. Coughing, sneezing, or using a handkerchief or disposable tissue. Eating, drinking, or using tobacco (for example, smoking). Handling soiled …
Health topics
Health topics
… fastest way to pump milk. Some of the newer models are very lightweight. Battery-operated pumps. These are convenient … fastest way to pump milk. Some of the newer models are very lightweight. Battery-operated pumps. These are convenient …
Health topics
… problems. If a rash that looks like acne develops after using ecstasy, the person may be at risk for liver damage by … problems. If a rash that looks like acne develops after using ecstasy, the person may be at risk for liver damage by …
Health topics
Health topics
… leave insulin in the sun or in your hot car, because sunlight and heat reduce the strength of the insulin. Avoid … container for morning and evening injections. Before using a prefilled syringe, allow the syringe to warm for 5 … after you open them. Follow the directions for storing and using the insulin. Diabetes in Children: …
Health topics
… bitten by an insect or spider-like animal (arachnid) by using insect repellents. Mosquitoes, biting flies, and ticks … Agency (EPA) recommend the following precautions for using insect repellents. Apply repellents only to exposed … eyes and mouth, and apply sparingly around the ears. When using sprays, do not spray directly into your face. Spray on …
Health topics
Health topics
… past situations when you resisted temptation. Think about using a new treatment. If you're not using medicine or nicotine replacement, think about trying … past situations when you resisted temptation. Think about using a new treatment. If you're not using medicine or …