1392 results found
Health topics
Health topics
… people know that smoking is not good for their health. But smoke from your cigarettes ( second-hand smoke ) also puts people around you at risk. Because of …
Health topics
… Rheumatoid Arthritis: Finger and Hand Surgeries On this page: Overview … are several surgeries to correct joint problems in the hand caused by rheumatoid arthritis , including: Carpal … through the middle of the wrist and supplies feeling to the hand (median nerve). Tendon release, which may be used to …
Health topics
… it. Remember that the secret to weight control—whether you smoke or not—is eating healthy food and becoming more … gum or candy. Come up with something else to keep your hands busy so you don't use them to eat. For example, take … gum or candy. Come up with something else to keep your hands busy so you don't use them to eat. For example, take …
Health topics
… they try to quit. The hardest part is not reaching for a smoke to feel better. Use the tips in this Actionset to help … LED-emitting light, as found in some smartphones and other hand-held computers. Try meditation or deep breathing before … LED-emitting light, as found in some smartphones and other hand-held computers. Try meditation or deep breathing before …
Health topics
… out if it's okay to ask how he or she is doing. Only the smoker can follow through with the decision to quit. It's … challenge. You can help by giving the person support. Most smokers don't succeed the first time they try to quit. If … is going through by learning about how nicotine affects smokers, how hard it is to stop smoking, what medicines are …
Health topics
… get from smoking comes from the act of taking time out to smoke and from the actions of nicotine in your brain. If you … another cigarette. Ask yourself questions about why you smoke. Ask yourself these questions to see whether you smoke to relieve stress, tension, and irritability or to …
Health topics
… Slips or Relapses Actionset Overview A slip is when a smoker who has quit smokes one or two cigarettes. A relapse is when a smoker who has quit returns to regular smoking. It is hard …
Health topics
… Cutting down slowly on the number of cigarettes you smoke. You may join a support group or have counselling to … the medicine, and so far it is helping with my craving to smoke. Talking in counselling is also helpful. I think I … medium patch and finally the smallest patch. Now I don't smoke anymore. Alanna, age 44 I started smoking at 15. I …
Health topics
… may be a big part of your social life. Do you automatically smoke when you are around someone who is smoking? Do certain people, places, or things seem to make you want to smoke? Do your friends smoke? Friends care about one another, support one another, …