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1621 results found
Health topics
… development. Developmental Problems: Testing Growth and Development, Ages 1 to 12 Months Growth … development. Developmental Problems: Testing Growth and Development, Ages 1 to 12 Months Growth …
Health topics
… pilonidal disease. You probably won't need any other tests unless the area doesn't heal or your doctor thinks … may be used to help with healing. How can you care for yourself? While you are being treated for an infected cyst: Keep … may be used to help with healing. How can you care for yourself? While you are being treated for an infected cyst: Keep …
Health topics
… history and doing a chest X-ray or CT scan. Lung function tests may be used to determine how badly the lungs are … history and doing a chest X-ray or CT scan. Lung function tests may be used to determine how badly the lungs are …
Health topics
… an exercise program. Here's how you get started. Get any tests you need. Have a thorough physical examination before … When you exercise, keep the following in mind. Pace yourself. Exercise at different intensities. Rotate light … When you exercise, keep the following in mind. Pace yourself. Exercise at different intensities. Rotate light …
Health topics
… Intussusception means that one part of the intestine has folded into itself , like a telescope. This can happen anywhere along the … means that one part of the intestine has folded into itself , like a telescope. This can happen anywhere along the …
Health topics
… tube inserted in your nostrils. It gives you the greatest freedom for moving around and talking. A face mask may … your lungs and bloodstream. You may need oxygen therapy if tests show that the cells of your body are not getting … tube inserted in your nostrils. It gives you the greatest freedom for moving around and talking. A face mask may …
Health topics
… When helping someone bathe, use the back of your hand to test the water to make sure it's not too hot. Lower the … When helping someone bathe, use the back of your hand to test the water to make sure it's not too hot. Lower the …
Health topics
… release of urine (urinary incontinence), further testing may be needed to find out what procedure is needed. … release of urine (urinary incontinence), further testing may be needed to find out what procedure is needed. …
Health topics
… history, your child's symptoms, and a physical examination. Testing is usually not needed if your doctor suspects the … history, your child's symptoms, and a physical examination. Testing is usually not needed if your doctor suspects the …
Health topics
… be a stem cell donor, a blood sample is taken from you and tested for tissue type. It's then compared with the tissue … be a stem cell donor, a blood sample is taken from you and tested for tissue type. It's then compared with the tissue …