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1621 results found
Health topics
… Your doctor can check your overall health and recommend testing as needed. These health problems include: Heart … Your doctor can check your overall health and recommend testing as needed. These health problems include: Heart …
Health topics
… disease or died suddenly from heart problems. You may have tests such as an echocardiogram and an electrocardiogram … disease or died suddenly from heart problems. You may have tests such as an echocardiogram and an electrocardiogram …
Health topics
… aren't clear, your child might need to have an imaging test of the hip joint, such as an ultrasound or X-ray. How … aren't clear, your child might need to have an imaging test of the hip joint, such as an ultrasound or X-ray. How …
Health topics
… the daily meal plan. Falsify or lie about blood sugar test results. Hide or deny the disease when they're around … the daily meal plan. Falsify or lie about blood sugar test results. Hide or deny the disease when they're around …
Health topics
… Or you can get it by eating contaminated oysters. An intestinal surgery site, or in tumours or other injuries in the intestines. A muscle strain or bruise, even if there is no … the infection is spreading. The infected tissue may be tested for bacteria. You also may need X-rays, a CT scan , …
Health topics
… You will have a physical examination. You will also have tests, such as an echocardiogram (echo) and an … or pre-eclampsia during a past pregnancy. Trust yourself, and be direct. You are the expert on your body. If … or pre-eclampsia during a past pregnancy. Trust yourself, and be direct. You are the expert on your body. If …
Health topics
… or midwife. Useful resources Second trimester exams and tests … During the second trimester - weeks 15 to 27 of …
Health topics
… Discuss this with your doctor. You may need a pregnancy test. What to do if the ring slips out of your vagina If a … Discuss this with your doctor. You may need a pregnancy test. What to do if the ring slips out of your vagina If a …
Health topics
… areas to see if the pressure causes pain. You may have tests to see if some other condition is causing your pain. … areas to see if the pressure causes pain. You may have tests to see if some other condition is causing your pain. …
Health topics
… no broken bones in your neck. You may also need an imaging test such as an MRI or CT scan to look for other injuries. How can you take care of yourself? Most whiplash improves with home treatment. Ask your … to look for other injuries. How can you take care of yourself? Most whiplash improves with home treatment. Ask your …