1699 results found
Health topics
… wound No Bleeding wound Would you describe the bleeding as severe, moderate, or mild ? Severe Severe bleeding Moderate Moderate bleeding Mild Mild …
Health topics
… toe or foot). Yes Nail problem No Nail problem Has sudden, severe weakness or severe numbness affected the whole leg or the whole foot? … to move, but that is not the same thing as weakness. Yes Severe or sudden numbness or weakness in the whole leg or …
Health topics
… than signs of pain in an older child . 5 to 10: Moderate to severe pain Moderate to severe pain 1 to 4: Mild pain Mild pain Has the pain: Gotten … no pain and 10 is the worst pain you can imagine? 8 to 10: Severe pain Severe pain 5 to 7: Moderate pain Moderate pain …
Health topics
… skin. The blood is alarming, but often the injury is not severe and you can stop the bleeding with home treatment. … injury (TBI). A TBI can range from a mild concussion to a severe head injury. Common causes of a severe head injury in this age group include falls and abuse …
Health topics
… once a month. Moderate heartburn occurs about once a week. Severe heartburn occurs every day. It can cause problems … can be a sign of a more serious medical condition, such as severe inflammation of the esophagus or cancer of the … sure if you're pregnant. Pregnancy Do you have moderate or severe belly pain? This is not the cramping type of pain you …
Health topics
… Yes Bleeding No Bleeding Would you describe the bleeding as severe, moderate, or mild ? Severe Severe bleeding Moderate Moderate bleeding Mild Mild …
Health topics
… or standing. This type of pain is usually caused by a less severe problem, unless the pain doesn't go away or it … you have a problem with the hip joint itself. Pain that's severe enough to prevent any weight-bearing is more likely … no pain and 10 is the worst pain you can imagine? 8 to 10: Severe pain Severe pain 5 to 7: Moderate pain Moderate pain …
Health topics
… Low blood pressure. An abnormal heart rhythm. Fever. Allergic reactions. Bleeding problems caused by the blood-thinning … quality of life. Dialysis has risks, including infection, allergic reactions, fever, abnormal heart rhythm, and low …
Health topics
… in rare cases, the toxins enter the bloodstream and cause a severe immune reaction . This reaction causes the symptoms of TSS. Toxic … just in certain places, such as the armpits or the groin. Severe pain in an infected wound or injury. Other TSS …
Health topics
… on the area being treated, the filler, and your body's reaction to the filler, you might have one or more repeat … anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) , or vitamin E. Allergic reaction, such as rash, hives, swelling, or … anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) , or vitamin E. Allergic reaction, such as rash, hives, swelling, or …