3149 results found
Health topics
… Risk factors are things that make you more likely to get an infection. Sometimes the doctor takes a sample of … them, use a condom and clean the sex toys between each use. Vaccines are available for some STIs, such as HPV. Ask your … aged 9 to 26. For best protection from the vaccine, it should be given before someone becomes sexually active. To …
Health topics
… medicine may make symptoms less severe, especially if you get the medicine right away. You'll also get supportive care … Genital Herpes Headaches Meningitis Mononucleosis (Mono) Shingles Travel Health West Nile Virus Current as … Genital Herpes Headaches Meningitis Mononucleosis (Mono) Shingles Travel Health West Nile Virus Current as …
Health topics
… help you live well when you have congenital heart disease. Get regular checkups. Adults who have congenital heart … and how severe it is. Your doctor can tell you if you should limit activity or sports. But if you do have … such as COVID-19, colds, and influenza (flu). Get the flu vaccine every year. Talk with your doctor about getting a …
Health topics
… in the back, neck, jaw, or upper belly, or in one or both shoulders or arms. There are two types of angina: Stable … wait 5 minutes. If your symptoms don't improve or if they get worse, call 9-1-1 or other emergency services . Describe … sugar in your target range if you have diabetes. Get a flu vaccine every year. It can help you stay healthy and may …
Health topics
… Influenza Pneumococcal Tetanus (Td and Tdap) Hepatitis B Shingles Other Health history Health problems Fill in your … results change the treatment? If yes, explain: How do I get the test results? What home treatment can I do? Ask the … a test or starting treatment? What signs and symptoms should I watch for? When should I call to report signs and …
Health topics
… is a disease caused by a virus. If you have it, you may get a painful rash along with other symptoms. Mpox is from … doctor or check with your local health unit to see if you should get a vaccine. These are usually only given to people who are at …
Health topics
… Cause Symptoms What Happens What Increases Your Risk When should you call your doctor? Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview Prevention Surgery Other Treatment … sends the images to your brain. Many people with diabetes get retinopathy. This kind of retinopathy is called diabetic …
Health topics
… the airways that carry air to the lungs ( bronchial tubes ) get inflamed and make a lot of mucus. This can narrow or … to get lung infections, so you will need to get a flu vaccine every year. You should also get a pneumococcal shot. It may not keep you …
Health topics
… through an IV to help your bone marrow start to work as it should. The transplant can use stem cells that come from … stem cells, you will need treatment with medicines to prevent your immune system from attacking the donor stem … and vomiting. Diarrhea. Infection, such as pneumonia , shingles , or herpes simplex . Other possible problems …
Health topics
… for the first 3 or 4 days. But it can take 1 to 2 weeks to get completely better. It usually takes 1 to 4 days to get … prevented? You can help prevent the flu by getting the flu vaccine every year. It's best to get the vaccine as soon as … older who does not have contraindications to the vaccine should get a flu vaccine. The vaccine is especially …