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Health topics
… happens, it is vital to stay away from infected people. Get vaccinated if you have been around someone who has … 12 days after the person is infected. Before there was a vaccine, smallpox used to cause death all around the world. … smallpox. So the site where the smallpox vaccine was given should be covered until the scab falls off. In the past, …
Health topics
… your levels. It helps you see if your levels are in your target range. And it may help you avoid blood sugar … activity might make it easier to see the connections. When should you test your blood sugar? Some people who have … to your medical record or if you can make reports to share. Prevent sore fingers Frequent blood sugar testing can lead …
Health topics
… immunization history with your doctor. Even if you had a vaccine as a child, it doesn't guarantee that you are now … If you aren't immune, have the vaccination before you get pregnant. To allow time for your body to develop … or during your pregnancy. footnote 3 Your other children should receive their immunizations on schedule. Having your …
Health topics
… ( oophoritis ), or the pancreas ( pancreatitis ). The mumps vaccine protects against the illness. This vaccine is part … and varicella [chickenpox]) vaccines. Most children get the vaccine as part of their regular shots. Before the … soft foods that don't require chewing. Anyone who has mumps should stay out of school, daycare, work, and public places …
Health topics
… bodies for funerals need to protect themselves from getting infected with the virus. Objects that have the virus … or the Ebola virus, you may be able to get the Ebola vaccine. Avoid areas where many people have the disease. … who may be sick with Ebola or Marburg virus infection. When should you call a doctor? If you have symptoms of the …
Health topics
… Germs can enter your body through these mucous membranes. Get the flu vaccine each year, as soon as it's available. Encourage those you live with to do the same, so they won't get the flu and then infect you. Get the pneumococcal …
Health topics
… your health and the health of your baby. Experts recommend getting the COVID-19 vaccine if you are planning a pregnancy, are pregnant, were … preterm labour and stillbirth. The same steps that can help prevent COVID-19 will also help prevent other viral …
Health topics
… livestock are vaccinated against anthrax. But people can get anthrax from handling animal skins or products made out … who has been exposed to anthrax spores but is not yet sick should be treated with antibiotics and a few doses of the vaccine to prevent infection. Not everyone who has been …
Health topics
… nervous system Your brain and your nervous system work together to help you do things like see, smell, taste, feel, … Interactive Tool: Are You Depressed? Interactive Tool: Should I Consider Surgery for My Low Back Problem? … in Newborns Sensory Processing Disorder Serotonin Syndrome Shingles Social Anxiety Disorder Spasticity Special Diets …
Health topics
… who have allergies, though not everyone with allergies gets asthma. And not everyone with asthma has allergies. … outside when it is cold and dry. Talk to your doctor about vaccines to prevent some infections. And ask about what medicines you should avoid. Health Tools Health Tools help you make wise …