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Health topics
… effects of some medicines, and some surgeries. Depression, stress, and anxiety can also cause the problem. How are they … be able to avoid erection problems related to anxiety and stress by talking with your partner about your concerns. … cancer. Mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, stress, or grief. Prevention You may be able to avoid …
Health topics
… be treated at the same time. Testing and treatment can be stressful, costly, and sometimes painful. You may need only … Sometimes the cause of infertility is not known. It can be stressful to find out the reason for infertility. Knowing … Not being able to find any cause can also create stress. You may want to talk with a counsellor or join an …
Health topics
… injuries. What gets in the way of sleep? The everyday stresses of life—your job, your family or relationships, … trouble sleeping when you have a fever or an injury. These stresses are often temporary. Your habits and activities … you awake. A counsellor or therapist can help you cope with stress and may offer techniques for falling sleep. There are …
Health topics
… it's passed down from one or both of your parents. Age, stress, poor diet, certain diseases, and side effects of … If hair loss is caused by something you can control, like stress or medicines, you can treat it by getting rid of the … This is called male-pattern or female-pattern hair loss. Stress, including physical stress from childbirth, surgery, …
Health topics
… Getting Started Getting Started Try these tips for less stress and more peace as you move forward through the … are used. Plus, it can be cheaper, quicker, and less stressful. Put your children first (if you have children). … our content . … Getting Started Try these tips for less stress and more peace as you move forward through the …
Health topics
… your daily routines. Develop methods to minimize and manage stress. Balance rest with activity. Develop a support system … Stop Negative Thoughts: Getting Started Stress Management Tapping the Power of Optimism … your daily routines. Develop methods to minimize and manage stress. Balance rest with activity. Develop a support system …
Health topics
… and commitment therapy (ACT), and mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR). Mind-body treatments. This includes … if you've had it for a while. But you can look for signs. You may notice that: You have new pain. It may feel … if you've had it for a while. But you can look for signs. You may notice that: You have new pain. It may feel …
Health topics
… breaks during the day to do a relaxation exercise if stress appears to cause your itching or make it worse. In … Sit or lie down, and try to clear your mind. Manage your stress by relaxing every muscle in your body, starting with … breaks during the day to do a relaxation exercise. If stress appears to cause your itching or make it worse, a …
Health topics
… muscles around a joint stronger and help protect and reduce stress on your joints. For example, stronger thigh muscles can help reduce stress on your knees and hips. Examples of strength … muscles around a joint stronger and help protect and reduce stress on your joints. For example, stronger thigh muscles …
Health topics
… problems are actual injuries. They occur when too much stress is placed on a joint or other tissue. This can happen … if 0 is no pain and 10 is the worst pain you can imagine? Signs of pain in a baby or toddler are different than signs of pain in an older child . 5 to 10: Moderate to …