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… hip. A baby in pain may cry, be fussy, and have other signs of pain. To better understand hip injuries, it may be … bleeding Does your child have symptoms of shock ? Yes Signs of shock No Signs of shock Is your child having trouble moving the hip …
Health topics
… be weighed and have a urine test at each visit to look for signs of pre-eclampsia. Women who are at high-risk for … trouble breathing because of immature lungs ( respiratory distress syndrome ). A newborn affected by pre-eclampsia may … partner or a friend. They can help you watch for warning signs. Call 9-1-1 anytime you think you may need emergency …
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… to consider when trying to become pregnant. Your age, stress level and the health of your reproductive system all …
Health topics
… out what your headache triggers are, such as certain foods, stress, sleep problems, or physical activity. Take your … out what your headache triggers are, such as certain foods, stress, sleep problems, or physical activity. Take your …
Health topics
… weights may be good, but make sure that you don't put stress on affected bones. Your doctor or physiotherapist can … weights may be good, but make sure that you don't put stress on affected bones. Your doctor or physiotherapist can …
Health topics
… such as starting a new school. Also, watch for other high-stress situations, such as a heavy class load or final … such as starting a new school. Also, watch for other high-stress situations, such as a heavy class load or final …
Health topics
… anxiety and improve sleep. Meditation or yoga to relieve stress. Physiotherapy or light massage (not deep tissue or … pain management, see the topic Chronic Pain. Emotional distress It is normal to experience emotional distress for a limited period of time as you learn to cope …
Health topics
… coordination, or endurance. It can also reduce the stress on a painful joint or limb. Using a walking aid can … coordination, or endurance. It can also reduce the stress on a painful joint or limb. Using a walking aid can …